Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5

The smallest grammatical unit that can express a proposition (i.e., a simple statement)

What is a clause?


The relation between a dependent element and its dominant, the element on which it is dependent.

What is hypotaxis?


It is a way in which clauses can be connected to créate contrast without using a particle to connect them



Complete the sentence:

In simple words, those subordinated clauses that are added (attached) to a clause are ____________, while those that form part of another clause (integrated) are _______________.

1. Non-embedded

2. Embedded


The first one is found at the beginning of the sentences and tends to provide given information; the second is found at the end of the sentence and provides new information.

What is the difference between theme and focus?


Which is/are the extension(s) of this sentence?

"Mike is sweating profoundly since he went for a run."


since he went for a run


Divide the following passage into figures (specify the relators as well):

"Mary was tired and called James, because she was tired and she did not feel good enough to drive all the way home."

F1 Mary was tired

R1 and

F2 called James

R2 because

F3 she was tired

R3 and

F4 she did not feel good enough

F5 to drive all the way home


Are these coordinated clauses or phrases?

"Tom wanted to call Mary and ask her about her day."



Which sis the difference in meaning between this 2 sentences?

1) The man, sitting in the corner, is very strange.

2) The man sitting in the corner is very strange.

1) The man, sitting in the corner, is very strange. --> only one man, additional info

2) The man sitting in the corner is very strange. --> different men, necessary info


Change this sentence into the passive voice:

"I slept 4 hours las night."

it is not possible, because "to sleep" is an intransitive verb, so there is not object that can become the subject of the passive voice. 


Which is the finite verb in the following sentence?

"John should have told you the truth."


It is the operator, it carries the grammatical functions of the verb and, hence, it is the only finite verb in the sentence.


In the following sentence, which type of paratactic relationship is established? (Expansion/Projection paradigm)

She said: "Come here!"

Projection: locution


Is this sentence grammatically correct? 

"Social media has an enormous influence on the young, because of its audiovisual approach it is far more penetrating than a newspaper."

No (comma splice)


Is this a restrictive relative clause or an appositional clause?

"The hope that you are coming back makes me feel alive."

Appositional clause


Transform this sentence into a "there" existential construction:

"My jacket has two buttons missing"

There are two buttons missing on my jacket.


Which of the NICE properties is found in the following sentence?

"I don't think she is coming."

Negation (don't)


In the following sentence, which type of hypotactic relationship is established? (Expansion/Projection paradigm)

This is the house that Jack built.

Expansion: Elaboration (to define, delimit or specify)


Is there an example of apposition or coordination in this sentence?

I don’t understand why Mary, my daugther, is not coming tonight.



Which function plays the pronoun "your" in the subordinate clause?

"She objects to your borrowing her car."



Is this a cleft-sentence or an extraposed sentence?

It is boring to see you complaining all the time.



Which type of construction is found in the following sentence?

"The heroes had to put up with my humiliations."

Monotransitive construction

Many humiliations had to be put up with.


Give me a clause complex with one paratactic and two hypotactic relationships within

John was cooking and James was watching TV, when Mary called to ask about their mother.


Correct this sentence using juxtaposition:

"John is tired, Mary is tired of listen to him complaining."

John is tired; Mary is tired of listen to him complaining.


In the following clause complex there is an example of the 5 different types of subordinate clauses. Identify them:

"Since I was born, my mother, who only speaks Spanish, wanted me to learn any language that could help me in my professional career, and the feeling that I did not want to tortured her for years."

Non-embedded functioning as adjunct --> Since I was born

Non-restrictive relative clause --> ,who only speaks Spanish,

Complement clause --> to learn any language...

Restrictive relative clause --> that could help my in my professional career

Appositional clause --> that I did not want to


Which type of syntactic variation is present in the following sentence?

Rolling down the river was the ball this afternoon. 

Presentative construction