Present Perfect
Past Perfect
Future Perfect
Perfect Continous tenses
Extra questions

Affirmative sentence using the verb WORK

"S" have worked ...


How many pasts do we have in past perfect?

2-->Past & "Past past"


Structure (Interrogative)

Will + S + have + Verb in past part + ... + ?


Risky Surprise question

Do you want to continue? Yes or No

-100 points :(


5 vocabulary words you have learnt and its meaning



Negative sentence using the verb WRITE and the pronoun SHE

She hasn't written ...


Structure of an interrogative sentence

Had + Subject + Verb in Past Participle + ... + ?


Risky Surprise question

¿Do you want to continue? --Yes or No

JOKER-Free ponits!! :)


Affirmative Past perfect continous sentence

Use the verb TAKE and the pronoun WE

WE had been taking ...


Risky Surprise question

Do you want to continue? Yes or No

Double points if you answer correctly

Less points if you answer incorrectly

Functions of future perfect continous


Interrogative sentence using the verb DO

Have "S" done ... ?


Affirmative sentence using the verb DRINK

Negative sentence using the verb PLAY

"S" had drunk ...

"S" had not played...


Structure (Aff, Neg)

*S + will + have + past participle + ... + .

*S + will + have + not + Verb in Pp + ... + .


Structure of future perfect continous

(Aff, Neg, Int)

* S + will + have + been + verb ing + comp + .

*S + will + have + not + been + verb ing + comp 

*Will + S + have + been + verb ing + comp + ?


Give 3 examples of time expresions used in past perfect sentences

Just, already, never, ever, 



(Aff, Neg, Int)

Aff: S + have + Verb Pp. + Comp + .

Neg: S + have + not + Verb Pp. + Comp + .

Int: Have + S + Verb Pp. + Comp + ?


In which tenses do you write the sentences that form part of a past perfect?

*Past (1)-the more recent event: Past simple

*Past past (2)- the earlier event: Past perfect


Sentence: Affirmative, Negative and Interrogatrive 

Use this pronouns: He, she, they

Use this verbs: see, read, choose

He will have seen ...

She will have read...

They will have chosen


Mention 1 sentence with each perfect continous tense

(Present, Past, Future)

Use the pronouns: She, You, We

Use the verbs: Bleed, Drive, Eat

She has been bleeding...

You have been driving...

We have been eating...


Explain the difference between a simple continous tense and a simple tense

Cotinous is a progresive tense that express that an action has started and its, was or will be ongoing during a period of time

Simple tense expresses the exact time of an event:

-Present: habit, routine, actual time

-Past: Things that happened

-Future: Things that will happen


When do we use present perfect?

*To describe the past with a link to the present

*To describe a a past action that has a result in the present

*For general past expiriences that are still true


What are the functions of past perfect?

*Talk about events that happened before others in the past

*Show the order in wich two past events ocurred 


Usage of present perfect

*Express actions that will be completed before an specific point in the future

*Emphasize completion of an action


Functions of Present Pefect continous

(Give an example of each one)

*Describe actions that started in the past and continue ongoing now

*Emphasize the duration: How long actions have been happening?


5 examples of time expressions used in present perfect sentences




*so far

