Future Simple
Будущее время
When do we use the Future Simple?
Action will happen in the future
The structure of the Future Simple
will/shall + V1
Auxiliary verbs for the Future Simple
Past Simple
Прошедшее время
When do we use the Past Simple?
Action in the past
The structure of the Past Simple
Auxiliary verbs for the Past Simple
Present Perfect
Настоящее завершённое
When do we use the Present Perfect?
The action is completed, the result is known
The structure of the Present Perfect
have/has + V3
Auxiliary verbs for the Present Perfect
Present Continuous
Настоящее продолженное
When do we use the Present Continuous?
The action takes place at the moment of speech
The structure of the Present Continuous
am/is/are + V-ing
Auxiliary verbs for the Present Continuous