American Literature
American Lit. cont.
Rhetoric and Composition
African Literature

Art Spiegelman, author of the graphic autobiography about the Holocaust entitled Maus, also wrote this work about New York and the aftermath of 9/11.

What is In the Shadow of No Towers?


This American writer is author of the poem “Susie Asado” (a poem built on the rhythms of flamenco) and the seemingly nonsense prose poem “As a Wife Has aCow: A Love Story.”

Who is Gertrude Stein?


This type of research occurs when the researcher gains information and draws conclusions through observation and/or experience rather than through theory or belief.

What is empirical research?


What Nigerian novelist is perhaps as well known for her TedTalks such as “We Should All Be Feminists” as for her three novels?

Who is Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie?


Charlotte Perkins Gilman, best known for her short story “The Yellow Wallpaper,” also wrote this novel about an isolated tribe of women who had learned to reproduce without men.

What is Herland?


This is how much it cost Henry David Thoreau to build his cabin near Walden pond.

What is $28.12 ½ cents?


In rhetoric, there are “Five Canons” that offer writers and speakers general principles that make their communication more effective when used effectively. Memory and delivery refer to oral communication, but the other three can be used for either writing or speaking. Name one of them.

What is invention, arrangement, or style?


What author of A Man of the People was investigated by the Nigerian government because the novel seemed to predict the short-lived coup that took place shortly after its publication?

Who is Chinua Achebe?


This main character from a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel thinks to himself, " In reality they all lived in a kind of hieroglyphic world, where the real thing was never said or done or even thought, but only represented by a set of arbitrary signs.”


Who is Newland Archer (from The Age of Innocence)?


At the beginning of the twentieth century, this Yankton Sioux author published in the Atlantic Monthly  a series of autobiographical stories about losing her indigenous identity during her education at an Indian boarding school (much like the Intermountain Inter-Tribal Indian School that was active in Brigham City from 1950-1984).

Who was Zitkala-Ša (also known as Gertrude Bonin)?


In writing persuasively, three types of rhetorical appeals may be made. Name them.

What is ethos, pathos, and logos?


Zakes Mda sets what novel on the coast of the Eastern Cape in two time frames: the end of the twentieth century, and the middle of the nineteenth century, during the time of the cattle-killing prophecy?

What is The Heart of Redness?


This American Modernist novel ends with the line, “Isn’t it pretty to think so?”

What is The Sun Also Rises (by Hemingway)?


This 1906 American novel is credited with leading to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act.

What is The Jungle (by Upton Sinclair)?


In which decade did the teaching of writing go through a paradigm shift from a product approach to a process approach?

What is the 1970s?


What poet has written about South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, including poems from the perspective of the transcribers and sound engineers?

Who is Ingrid de Kok?


This American author vociferously criticized Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn for offering a bad example of behavior for young boys.

Who is Louisa May Alcott?


This novella about a Denver journalist is one of the few works of American fiction to depict the 1918 flu pandemic.

What is Pale Horse, Pale Rider (by Katherine Anne Porter)?


In which century did Harvard begin requiring freshman composition, which led to first-year writing being a required course across almost all colleges and universities?

What is 1872?


About what island prison did Dennis Brutus write that he was “locked in a grey gelid stream / of unmoving time”?

What is Robben Island?