Creation Myths
Columbus' Interactions
Ponce De Leon
Bartolomé de las Casas
Motivations to explore

In Native creation stories, people and animals are depicted as having this role in creation.

What is a shared/equal role?


Columbus thinks this about the Indians, in regards to appearance.

"They put paint on their faces."

"Naked except for genitals."

Others may be acceptable.


Ponce De Leon lands here, the first European to do so. 

What is "Florida?"


What is the mood/vibe of Bartolome's report on European acts in the Indies?

"Acts of oppression and violence are wide-spread."


These food additives were a major reason for European exploration.

What are spices?


The roots from the Great Tree in Sky-Land were used for this.

What is planting and growing the Earth?


Christopher Columbus is constantly seeking this/these.

Spices, gold, converts.


Ponce De Leon dies from this.

What is, he dies in the fighting when American Indians attack his fort in 1521? 


de las Casas claims that this type of person, "...eats and consumes in one day an amount of food that would suffice to feed three houses inhabited by ten Indians for one month."

What is "a Christian?"


Beyond material(concrete) goods, Spanish explorers also sought to gain new disciples to this.

What is Catholicism? 


This ancient sibling created man according to Iroquois legend.

Who is the right-handed twin?


CC concocts this new kidnapping strategy to better make the captured people suppliant. 

What is he takes man/wife pairs?


This happens in the first Ponce De Leon interaction with the Indians.

What is a scuffle between the Calusas and Spaniards result in a brawl that push the Spaniards out?


de las Casas claims, "...the Indians began to seek ways to throw the Christians out of their lands", but were ineffective because of this.

What is, "their weapons were very weak and of little service in offense and still less in defense?"


These types of goods were initially traded freely to the Natives in exchange for their valuables.

What are worthless trinkets?


Women in Earth Diver stories tend to be _________ to bring life to the earth.

What is Pregnant?


Columbus hears scary tales involving these types of "monsters." 

What are cannibals and/or dog faced men?

Ponce De Leon's wishes to find this/these.

"Land of Bimini. Fountain of youth, riches" 

de las Casas acknowledges that very few escape. The Natives that DO escape flee here.

Where are "the mountains?"


Columbus and his crew sail east to find this.

What is a route to India?


These flora/fauna (plants/animals) were created by the left-handed twin.

What are poisonous plants and aggressive animals?


The native name for the FIRST island Columbus finds.

What is Guanahani?


The year that de Leon lands in mainland America.

What is 1513?


Bartolome described a vicious anecdote where the Natives are tortured in this religiously significant allusion.

What is Jesus and the 12 Apostles? 


Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, Britain, and others were interested in establishing these in the New World.

What are "colonies?"