Subjects, Verbs, Objects
Hidden Verbs & Subjects
Irregular Verbs
Linking & Helping Verbs
Subject-verb Agreement
Michelle baked a cake for my birthday yesterday. Identify the object.
Name the 8 state of being verbs.
is, am, are, was, were, be, being, been
What is the rule to distinguish regular verbs from irregular verbs?
Irregular verbs do not end in -ed. Regular verbs end in -ed.
What is the rule to distinguish between linking "being" and helping "being" verbs?
Linking-when they are the only verbs in the sentence. Helping-when they are not the only verbs in the sentence; they are helping other verbs.
What is the rule to ensure that a subject "agrees" with the verb?
When the subject is singular, the verb ends in an -s. When the subject is plural, the verb cannot end in an -s.
J and Bruno followed directions during the Do Now activity this morning. Identify the subject.
J & Bruno
Name 5 helping verbs.
will, shall, might, may, can, could, must, do, did, should, would, used to, has
The cat ran across the street. Identify the irregular verb.
Marlon is a writer. Identify the verb and if it is a helping/linking verb.
The kids / kid always walk slowly down the hall. Write the correct subject that "agrees" with the verb.
Justin is excited to be in English I every day because he learns so much about grammar and reading. Identify the verb(s).
is, learns
The students should complete their homework. Identify the verbs. Label them.
should-helping complete-action
Karla took the time to study for her assessment and she passed it! Identify the irregular verb(s) in the sentence.
When she was a freshman, she talked a lot. Identify the "being" verb and if it is linking or helping
The women run / runs in Portage Park every morning. Write the verb that correctly "agrees" with the subject.
Ms. Powell and Ms. Abraham drink their coffee in the morning so that they are ready for the day. Identify the subject, verb, and object. Label them.
Subject-Ms. Powell and Ms. Abraham Verb-drink Object-coffee
Students in period English 1 will be successful on this week's summative assessment. Identify verbs & types and subject.
Subject: Students Verbs: will--helping; be--state of being
Mom bought me a new car and she gave it to me when I graduated from high school. Identify the verb(s) in the sentence. Write if they are regular or irregular.
bought-irregular gave-irregular graduated-regular
The Chicago Bears were trying to win the game but in the end, they were not successful. Identify the "being" verb(s) in the sentence. Write helping/linking.
were trying-helping were-linking
Samantha remember to turn in her reading log and complete her do now. Rewrite the sentence so that the subject and verb "agree".
Samantha remembers to turn in her reading log and completes her do now. OR Samantha and David remember to turn in their reading logs and complete their do now.
The Bears and the Cardinals played a football game on Sunday. Identify the subject, verb, and object.
Subject-Bears & Cardinals Verbs-played Object-game
Jessica should be home early every night. Identify the subject and verbs (label them).
Subject: Jessica Verbs: Should--helping; Be--state of being
Our student feeled sad yesterday so we buyed her lunch and gived her advice to get through the day. Correct the verbs. Write the correct verb only.
felt bought gave
I am tired today because I was studying all night for my test last night. Identify the "being" verb(s) and label linking/helping
am-linking was studying-helping
The people goes into the building as soon as it open for the day. Rewrite the sentence so that the subjects and verbs "agree".
The people go into the building as soon as it opens for the day. OR The person goes into the buildings as soon as they open for the day.