What sound does a cat make?
What item is used to lock your front door?
A key
In what season does it snow?
Raise your hand and show me your hair
Point to hair
A celebration of the day you were born
What sound do bees make?
Buzz buzz
What does your head rest on when going to bed?
A pillow
In what season can you find pumpkins?
Autumn (fall)
Raise your hand and show me your nose
Point to your nose
The first meal of the day
What sound does a fish make?
Glub Glub
What do you use to cut paper?
In what month is Halloween?
Raise your hand and show me your back
Turn to show back
Where can you find sand and water?
What sound does a baby make?
Weh weh or other crying sounds
What object in the kitchen keeps your food cold?
The refrigerator (Fridge)
In what month can you find Santa?
Raise your hand and show me your pinky finger
Show pinky finger
What are women called on the day of their wedding?
What sound does a doorbell make?
Ding dong
What do you use to turn on your TV?
Remote control (remote)
In what month does Summer begin
Raise your hand and show me your right foot
Show me your right foot
A place to buy fresh bread and pastries