



SAT Words


What does the prefix "un-" mean?


ex: unhappy - meaning "not happy"


What does the suffix "-less" mean?


Ex: endless - meaning without ending
effortless - meaning it took no effort


What does the root "multi" mean?

You may use "culture" or "purpose" as an example to help explain. 

 many or more than one

Ex: multicultural
"This city is extremely multicultural. You can find restaurants with food from every country."


Define "comfortable".

Optional: Bonus 50pts if you provide a correct sentence with the vocabulary word that makes the meaning clear.

Feeling relaxed and at ease.
Ex: "I was very comfortable at my new school. I feel like I fit right in."


Define "engage".

Optional A: Bonus 50pts if you provide a correct sentence with the vocabulary word that makes the meaning clear.

Optional B: For a fine of 50pts, you can get an example sentence.

To participate or become involved in something

Ex:"She loves to engage in class discussions."


What does the prefix "pre-" mean?


ex:prehistoric - meaning before modern history


When "-y" is added to a word, how does it change the meaning of the word?

You may use "smell" as an example to help. 

Changes the word to an adjective.

ex: Smell is a noun/verb - "I can smell. (verb)" or "I have a strong sense of smell. (noun)"
Adding the suffix makes it an adjective: "That room was smelly." - it's a description to identify which room.


Choose one of the following roots to define:

A: "aqua"
B: "bene"

A: water
Ex: Aquarium
"My favorite creature I saw at the aquarium was the octopus!"

B: good or well
Ex: Benefit - meaning "good or an advatage"
"Regular exercise has many benefits for your health."


Define "available".

Optional: Bonus 50pts if you provide a correct sentence with the vocabulary word that makes the meaning clear.

Something that is ready to be used or is free to help
Ex: The teacher is available after class if you need help." 


Define "diverse".

Optional A: Bonus 50pts if you provide a correct sentence with the vocabulary word that makes the meaning clear.

Optional B: For a fine of 50pts, you can get an example sentence.

Different from one another or varied (having variety)

Ex: "The city has a diverse population with people from all over the world."


What does the prefix "over-" mean?

too much

ex: overcharge - meaning they charged you too much (had you pay more than the item was worth)

ex 2: overcooked - meaning the food was cooked too much


What does the suffix "-er" mean?

Optional: For a fine of 50 points, you can request an example word to use.

A person or thing who preforms an action

ex: "teacher" - Someone who teaches (noun)
"teach" - an action to instruct someone (verb)


What does the root "-bio" mean?


~biography: bio (life) + graphy (related to a field of study or writing a book) = the story of someone's life
~biology: bio (life) + ology (the study of) = the study of living things


Define "delicious".

Optional: Bonus 50pts if you provide a correct sentence with the vocabulary word that makes the meaning clear.

Very tasty or good to eat
Ex: This cake you made is so delicious! 


Define "significant".

Optional A: Bonus 50pts if you provide a correct sentence with the vocabulary word that makes the meaning clear.

Optional B: For a fine of 100pts, you can get an example sentence.

important or meaningful

Ex: Her college granduation was a significant event in her life. 


What does the prefix "down-" mean?

reduce or lower

ex: downgrade - meaning to lower the quality level
i.e.: "The flight attendant asked us to downgrade our seat, but we refused because we paid a lot for a first-class ticket." 


How does "-ous" change the following word's meaning?


Bonus 50 points: Correctly spell study with the suffix attached.

Characterizes a person/item
**Will accept "adjective" or "description"

Explanation: Study means to learn - a verb. Studious is is adjective. When someone is studious, they are someone who studies a lot, so much that you can describe their personality by this. 


What does the root "aud" mean?

Optional: For a 50pts fine, you can get an example word.

to hear

Ex: audience
"The audience clapped after the concert."


Define "accomplish"

Optional: Bonus 50pts if you provide a correct sentence with the vocabulary word that makes the meaning clear.

to successfully achieve or complete something

Ex: "She worked hard to accomplish her goals. In college, she would study weeks in advance before each test."


Define "mundane".

Optional A: Bonus 50pts if you provide a correct sentence with the vocabulary word that makes the meaning clear.

Optional B: For a fine of 150pts, you can get an example sentence.

ordinary or boring, not exciting

Ex: "Eating the same food everyday can feel mundane."


A: What does the prefix "auto-" mean?

B: What does the prefix "inter-" mean?

A: self
ex: autobiography - meaning the story of one's life, written by the person whose story is being told

B: between
ex: international - meaning between nations


A: What does the suffix "-tion" mean?

B: What does the suffix "-ful" mean?

Optional: For a fine of 50pts, you may ask for example words.
*Each example word is another 50pts!

A: the result of doing something
Ex: Create is a verb.
"The artist's creation was placed in the museum for everyone to admire."

B: full of or having a quality
Ex: hopeful - full of hope
"She was feeling hopeful that 2026 would be a good year for her."


What do the following roots mean?

A: "dict"
B: "scribe"

Optional: For a 50pts fine, you may get example words.
*Each word is a separate fine!

A: To speak or say
Ex: dictionary
"I use my dictionary often to look up new words."
Ex: Dictate - meaning to give commands orsay something out loud for someone to write down
"The teacher will dictate the spelling words for the students to write down."

B: to write
Ex: prescribe -הפעולה לתת מרשם
"The doctor will prescribe medicine to help you feel better." - write down a medication order


Define the followong words:

A: "Concern"
B: "Complicated"

A: Worry or interest in something
Ex: "Her parents showed concern when she didn't come home on time."
"I'm concerned for Alice, she hasn't come to school for a week already."

B: Difficult to understand or not simple
Ex: "The instructions are too complicated for me to follow!"


Define TWO words in the list words: "vivid", "vast", "benevolent", "comprehensive"

Optional A: Bonus 50pts if you provide a correct sentence with the vocabulary word that makes the meaning clear.

Optional B: For a fine of 100pts, you can get an example sentence.
*Each word is a separate fine/bonus!

Vivid: Bright, clear, or detailed
Ex: "The artist used vivid colors in her painting to make it look lively."

Vast: Very large
Ex: The desert stretched out in a vast area with no signs of life."

Benevolent: Kind and generous
Ex: The benevolent woman donated money to help the homeless.

Comprehesive: Including all or nearly all parts
Ex: The teacher gave us a comprehensive guide to help us study for the exam.