Everything English
Learning Literature
Radiant Writing
Sus Speaking
Bev's Brain Busters

Exposition, Rising Action, and Denouement are common elements found in the well-known plot structure resource known as __________ __________.

Freytag's Pyramid


In The Landlady, the titular character poisons her victims with cyanide. Cyanide is said to taste like bitter _________.



What was the first "official" paper we wrote?

Personal Narrative


If your opponent says something inaccurate during a debate, you MUST respond to it. This is called the __________ of __________.

Burden of Rejoinder


Where is Mr. Bev's favorite summer get-away?

Lewes Beach (and Bethany Beach)


100 points each:

1. What are the two "types" of 'voices' in writing?

2. Which is the better type AND how is it structured?

1. Active and Passive

2. Active voice is better (the subject comes before the verb).


100 points each:

1. In Flowers for Algernon, what was the name of Charlie's teacher?

2. In the beginning of the story, what was Charlie's job?

1. Ms. Kinnian

2. Janitor as Mr. Donnegan's Factory


100 points each:

Which two characters did we "compare and contrast" in a mini T.D.A. this year?

1. Mr. Frank

2. Mr. van Daan


100 points each:

What was the name and poet of the poem we recited as a class in the winter?

1. Alms

2. Edna St. Vincent Millay


100 points each:

Where is Mr. Bev working this summer, and what is he doing?

1. Phoenixville YMCA

2. Assistant Camp Director


100 points each:

Name three "styles" of poetry.

Haiku, Sonnet, Limerick, Acrostic, Concrete, Free Style, Shape, Slam, Spoken etc.


100 points each:

What were the three wishes made during "The Monkey's Paw"?

1. 200 pounds (money)

2. Herbert White to be brought back from the dead

3. Herbert White to remain dead


Recite what each of the 10 T.D.A. letters represents.

Attention Getter, Background Statement, Thesis, Topic Sentence, Lead-In, Quote, Analysis, Rephrase Thesis, Main Points, Clincher


100 points each:

For your Thanksgiving Speech, you were required to express gratitude for three "areas" of your life. What were the three areas/categories?

1. One Person

2. One Talent/Trait

3. One Unique Item


100 points each:

What three events does Mr. Bev coach for DMS Track & Field?

1. Hurdles

2. High Jump

3. Long Jump


100 points for each:

Sentence Structure: What are the four types?

1. Simple

2. Compound

3. Complex

4. Compound-Complex


100 points each:

List the four BOOK incidents proving Buck's devotion to John Thornton.

1. River rescue

2. Attacking Burton in the bar

3. The "cliff jump" command

4. Pulling the 1,000 pound sled


100 points for each correct answer:

Spelling is crucial for great writing! Each team must spell the following four words correctly. 






100 points each:

Who are the four characters (excluding the narrator) with the most speaking parts in "The Diary of Anne Frank"?

1. Anne Frank

2. Otto Frank

3. Mrs. van Daan

4. Mr. van Daan


100 points each:

What four DASD schools did Mr. Bev attend as a student?

1. Lionville Elementary School (4 years)

2. Lionville Middle School (3 years)

3. Downingtown East HS (1 year)

4. The STEM Academy (3 years)


100 points each:

Each team has 60 seconds to write down the LAST names of five authors we covered this year.

Steig, Dahl, Poe, Jacobs, Keyes, London, Goodrich/Hackett


100 points each:

Anne Frank gave out 8 Hanukkah gifts to the inhabitants of the Secret Annex. Name five of them (and who received the gift). Name them.

Crossword book (Margot), Razor (Peter), Ball and string (Mouschi), Cigarette (Mr. van Daan), Shampoo (Mrs. van Daan), Scarf (Mr. Frank), IOU note (Mrs. Frank), Ear-plugs (Mr. Dussel)


Each team may answer the following question:

For 500 points, how many times have we written in our journals this year? (closest answer wins)

37 times


Select one person from your team to give a 30-second speech focusing on why English is the best class at DMS. 

Mr. Bev will grade you on your evidence, rationale, and public speaking skills. You may get up to 500 points.

Answers may vary.


100 points each:

1. Mr. Bev's favorite food

2. Mr. Bev's favorite animated TV show

3. Mr. Bev's favorite season

4. Mr. Bev's favorite unit we cover

5. Mr. Bev's favorite class

1. French fries (duh)

2. Avatar: The Last Airbender

3. Fall

4. Thrill of Horror

5. This one! :)