Literary Terms
Cause and Effect
Test Strategies
Reading Skills
Literary Terms II
When the opposite of what you expect to happen happens.
What is Irony
This event causes Odysseus to be blown off course as he is just about to reach Itaca
Distrust by his men and opening the bag of bad winds stored by Aeolus?
What you should do on the night before an exam
Go to bed early to get a good night's rest.
This is what a person should do if he or she doesn't understand what was just read.
What is reread?
This is when the reader is able to visualize or form pictures in their mind from the words that appear in the text.
What is imagery?
The attitude a write has toward a piece of literature. For example, sarcastic, humorous, sympathetic
What is tone?
The cause of Odysseus making it past the Sirens, Charybdis, and past Scylla.
What is a trip to the underworld and help from Circe?
This is what you should use during multiple choice questions to get rid of impossible answers.
What is the process of elimination?
This is what a person does to make sure they understood or to check for clarity.
What is ask questions while reading?
This is the mention of a person, place,thing, or event from history, another piece of literature, science, religion, music,etc in a work of literature.
What is an allusion?
Although it may have one meaning, it may also stand for or suggest something entirely different.
What is symbol?
The cause of a "1" or "0" on an OER
What is leaving out support from the text? YOU CANNOT PASS WITHOUT SUPPORT!
This is the first step to taking the TAKS ELA exam.
What is reading and writing down the OER questions?
This is when a person restates something in their own words.
What is paraphrase?
When life like qualities are given to inanimate objects or things.
What is a personification?
This is used by poets to show the importance of an item in an poem. You may see it over and over again.
What is repetition?
This type of literature involves intricate twists and has a lot of suspense which keeps the reader wondering until the very end.
What is mystery?
This is what a person should always bring to a testing situation.
What is a pencil, pen, snacks and water?
This is when the reader realizes he or she has something in common with what they've just read.
What is making a connection?
This is the context, time of day, year, time in history, place, and possibly weather conditions that appear in a piece of literature.
What is setting?
This appears in fiction to show a shift in time.
What is flashback?
This is a type of prose that shares an event. It has the same elements as a novel. According to Edgar Allan Poe, the writer who perfected it, it should be read in one sitting.
What is a short story?
This is how a person can avoid being disqualified during a test.
What is not cheat or use a cell phone?
This is when the reader uses what is in the text but not plainly or literally stated to form a conclusion.
What is making an inference?
This is when two words are written together that seem to be the opposite or which have a sharp contrast to each other.
What is an oxymoron?