God's Kingdom
Worship in Truth
God's View
Remain in God's Love
Happily Ever After

The Kingdom of God is a type of this.

What is a government?

Dan 2:44  God's rulership

Dan 7:13,14 Jesus is king 

Rev 11:15.  Lasts forever


This is God's name.

What is Jehovah? Psalms 83:18, Exodus 3:15, Isaiah 42:8


Religion based on lies and misrepresents God is called this.

What is false religion? Matt 7:13,14, 21 -23

Who is Babylon the Great? Rev 17:1,5,15; 18:2, 5

Explore more:

God hates religious hypocrisy. Mark 7:6-8, Get out Rev 18:4,


We Grow Closer to God by doing this.

What is: Prayer, study, meditation, meetings, ministry?

What is applying what we learn? Matt 7:21

Psalms 1:2 Read the Bible daily

Hebrews 10:24 Meetings 

Romans:10:13-15. Ministry 


Those who will live in the Earthly Paradise are called this.

Who are the meek, mild tempered, great crowd, or other sheep?

Psalms 37:11, Matt 5:5, Rev 7:9,10, John 10:16

Explore: Rev 7:13-17


They will inherit the earth.

Who are the meek?

Psalms 37:11


We won't celebrate if it's based on this.

What are Holidays based on pagan origins, or unscriptural teachings, or lies. Is 65:11

Unrestrained or immoral behavior 1 Peter 4:3


They have ears but cannot hear, Eyes but cannot see.

What are idols or images? Psalms 115:4-8. 

Explore more...Isa 44:13-19

1 John 5:21 Idols, Ex 20:4,5, John 4:23,24


Doing this shows we love Jehovah.

What is listen and obey Jehovah?

What is stay on the narrow path.  Matt: 7:13,14

What is Follow Jesus footsteps. 1 Peter 2:21

What is read and apply scriptures?


They will rule with Jesus from Heaven over the Paradise Earth.

Who are the 144,000? Rev 14:1-5

Who are the Kings and priests? Rev 5:10

Who are the anointed?


You won't find these things in the Kingdom.

Rev 21:3,4  What is no more crying, or pain, or death?

Micah 4:3, Ps 46:9 What is no more war?

Psalms 37: 9,10 What is wickedness?


This identifies a true Christian.

What is Love for one another?  John 13:34,35


This Roman Instrument of Death is not what most think.

What is an Upright Stake used by the Romans to execute Jesus, and criminals?

 More..Stauros is an upright stake, Greek.  Xylon is a tree.Gal 3:13. Deut 21:22,23. The cross is of pagan origin. Egyptian phallus symbol. See Reasoning from the Scriptures book.


Some of these people will spread lies about us.

What are opposers (apostates)?

Proverbs 14:15

2 John 9-1O


The Earthly Paradise will have an Abundance of this.

What is food or grain?  Psalms 72:16

What is brotherly love? John 13:35

What is Spiritual Family? Luke 18:29,30

What is Happiness? Romans 4:8


God's choice for King.

Who is the Jesus Christ?  Luke 1: 31-33

Jesus Christ is king! Rev 11:15


Peter said Jesus was this.

What is The Christ, Son of the living God? Matt 16: 14-16

Who is God's only begotten Son?  1 John 4:15, John 3:16

Explore: Trinity? John 14:28, John 20:17, Matt 27:46, 1 Cor 11:3


Avoiding this shows we appreciate life.

What does the Bible say about Abstaining from Blood?

What is killing? What is being reckless?

Lev 17:11,12; Acts 15:28,29 blood

What is abortion? Ps 139:13-17; Ex 21:22,23

Explore: Lesson 38


These Loving Brothers give us spiritual food.

Who are the Governing Body?  Matt: 24:45

Who are the Elders? 1 Tim 5:17

Explore: Organized 1 Corinthians 14:33a,40


This is How long God's Kingdom will last.

What is Forever? Daniel 2:44, Luke 1:33


1000 year Messianic rule by Christ, then continues forever.  

1 Corinthians 15:24 -28


Jesus taught us to pray for it to come.

What is God's kingdom?    Matt 6:9,10

Dan 2:44, Dan 7:13,14

Rev 11:15


The Bible calls it sleep.

What is death? John 11:11


Is there hope for the dead? Job 14:13-15, Acts 24:15

Ps 146:4, Eccl 9:6,10

Are the dead conscious? Eccl 9:5, John 11:11-14

Will Death will be no more? Rev 21:3,4, Is 25:8


Christians are neutral because Jesus said this.

What is "be no part of the world"? John 17:16, John 18:36, 

What is All who take up the sword will perish by the sword?Matt 26:52

Explore: Luke 4:5,6 and 1 John 5:19 Satan controls world


This is what we call the place we meet for worship.

What is a Kingdom Hall or Assembly Hall? Heb 10:24,25 

Explore: Our gatherings focus on Bible teachings and the central message of the Kingdom of God, the theme of Jesus's ministry. Kingdom Halls are modest and functional. Not used for social or commercial activities but as a hub for preaching the good news.


You can Live Forever in Paradise by doing this.

Why believe Jehovah sent Jesus to die? John 3:16

Why believe that Jesus died for us? Acts 16:31

Why obey Jehovah's laws? John 17:3

Why enter the narrow gate?  Matt 7:13,14