Who was known as the American Philosophe
Benjamin Franklin
Rene Descartes
(he used reason to ask questions and find truths)
what is the belief that kings and queens have a God-given right to rule, and that rebellion against them is a sin.
What is divine rights of kings
Locke believed that a good government gets its power from?
the people
What parts of Montesquieu's ideas were outline in the Constitution?
The separation of powers
In what part of the world id the Enlightenment begin?
Scientists and Philosophers
what is the rights that all people are born with and that cannot be taken away by the government
natural rights
he supported it because it created a stronger parliament and bill of rights.
Descartes encouraged people to doubt everything except
their own existence
What was Montesquieu's Purpose in Writing the Persian Letters?
To criticize the French government and society.
the practice of removing or prohibiting books, art, films, or other media that the government finds ofensive, immoral, or harmful
Both Locke and Hobbes lived through a period in English history that brought what?
Political Struggle between Parliament and the monarchy.
Newton's theory of gravity draws what conclusion?
A natural force pulls objects toward Earth?
Who was an influential scientist
Isaac Newton
Why did Voltaire write under a Pen Name?
get in trouble for speaking against the french Monarchy.
the ability of the mind to think clearly and understand logic
Why were Locke ideas considered Radical?
He believed believed people had the right to overthrow a bad government.
Who believed that each human's mind was a "blank Slate"
John Locke
Which type of government did Thomas Hobbes support?
Absolute monarchy
What did Hobbes consider most important for a strong society?
Law and Order
Why did John Locke influence the decision to fight a war for independence from Great Britain?
Rebel against a government that does not protect their rights
Who believed all people were born naturally selfish and greedy?
Thomas Hobbes