Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Short Answer

Before the scientific revolution, where did most people get scientific information form? 

a. Local meetings

b. The Church 

c. Through Schooling

d. The newspaper

b. The Church 


What were the meetings called in which colonial delegates came together to discuss British rule? 

a. Mayflower Compact

b. Declaration of Independence

c. Continental Congress

d. Olive Branch Petition

C. Continental Congress

Why did the Church try to silence scientists during the Scientific Revolution? 

The Church did not want to be wrong, because they were afraid they would lose their authority 


Which of the following is NOT part of the current constitution? 

a. Federal System

b. Bill of Rights

c. Checks and Balances

d. Unicameral Congree

D. Unicameral Congress


Why did British Parliament increase taxes on the colonies after the French and Indian War? 

a. the British Parliament was trying to fain back control of the colonies after they had rebelled. 

b. The British Parliament was making the colonies "purchase" their independence through taxes. 

c. The British Parliament was trying to pay off the debt it had created during the war. 

d. none of the above. 

C. The British Parliament was trying to pay off the debt it had created during the war. 


What is one discover/invention from the Scientific Revolution that is NOT mentioned on the test? 

Red Blood Cells 

Small Pox Vaccine





What invention helped spread the news of the scientific discoveries during the scientific revolution? 

a. Telegram

b. printing press

c. telephone

d. morse code

b. Printing press


Why was "no taxation without representation" the slogan for the colonies? 

a. Because King George III felt that the colonists were over taxing their own people. 

b. Because colonists did not believe in any taxing. 

c. Because the colonies felt that since they could not elect parliament, that parliament should not be able to tax them. 

d. none of the above. 

c. Because the colonies felt that since they could not elect parliament, that parliament should not be able to tax them. 


Name one example of an enlightenment ruler (not American). Where did they rule? 

Frederick the Great (Prussia) 

Joseph II (Austria)

Catherine the Great (Russia) 


Who is the primary author of the Declaration of Independence? 

a. John Adams

b. George Washington

c. Thomas Jefferson

d. James Madison

C. Thomas Jefferson


What is one reason that the colonists won the American Revolution? 

Internal motivation

British were overconfident

British had less time and money

Americans knew the land better. 


Which of these is NOT part of the Navigation Act? 

a. Closed harbors in Boston

b. Promoted Mercantilism

c. Colonies had to pay high import taxes on goods from other countries. 

d. colonies could only sell to Britain. 

A. closed harbors in Boston