This Greek word literally means "rule by the people."
What is democracy?
This philosopher is associated with "life, liberty, and property" as natural rights.
Who is John Locke!
In this system, power is held by the people and their elected representatives.
What is a republic?
This is a principle typically associated with democracy.
What are free (unrestricted by class or money) and fair elections (eg equal choice for all citizens)?
This distinguishes a republic from a monarchy in terms of power.
What is power held by the people and their elected representatives vs. a single, often hereditary leader?
Aristotle believed these citizens formed the best political community.
Who are citizens of the middle class? (I also will accept a "BALANCED" oligarchy / aristocracy)
He wrote the influential work "The Social Contract."
Who is Jean-Jacques Rousseau!
This is NOT a key element of representative government, but is in DIRECT DEMOCRACY.
What is direct citizen participation in all decision-making?
In a republic, citizens participate by doing this.
What is VOTING; What is electing officials to make decisions on their behalf?
This is a key difference between a direct democracy and a republic in law-making.
What is citizens voting on laws directly vs. elected representatives making laws?
Plato proposed these three ideal classes in his "Republic."
What are Philosophers/Guardians, Warriors, and Producers?
This thinker's idea of "separation of powers" connects to Aristotle's mixed constitution.
Who is Montesquieu?
This is the primary role of elected officials in a representative democracy.
What is to make decisions on behalf of their constituents? (I would accept a jaded answer as 'make money' in our current professional legislative system)
This concept means that political power derives from (belongs) to the people.
What is popular sovereignty?
This term now refers to someone of low IQ but in Ancient Greece meant someone concerned only with private affairs rather than the common good; someone who did not vote or participate in society.
What is an IDIOT!
This was Plato's main critique of democracy.
What is tyranny of the majority?
This meanie described the state of nature as "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short."
Who is Thomas Hobbes?
This describes the concept that political power belongs to the people.
What is popular sovereignty?
The term MONARCHY (which is often considered the nemesis of democracy) refers to this..
What is rule by a single, unelected leader?
Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, John Locke, & MONTESQUIEU were critical of mob rule and rule of tyrants, but did believe in these important types of 'balanced government(s)'
What are 'mixed constitution' that balance different forms of government. (Those that separated power amongst different BRANCHES)
Cicero favored "Re Public" or REPUBLICS and criticized Greek democracy for being prone to this.
What is emotional decision-making by the masses?
This foundational political philosopher once said: "The state of Nature has a law of Nature to govern it, which obliges every one, and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions."
Who is John Locke!
This is the primary purpose of a constitution in a political system.
What is to establish the fundamental principles and structure of a government?
This describes how citizens participate in a direct democracy.
What is voting directly on laws and policies (w no representative or intermediary)?
Women, foreigners, those who did not own property were not considered parts of these democracies but are part of which government systems?
What are Ancient Greek and limited monarchies & modern western liberal democratic republics...