According to Locke, these are the three natural rights.
What are Life, Liberty and Property?
President Trump will take office on January 20th as the ________th president. (What number will he be?
What is 47th?
This term was coined by Hobbes to mean the agreement by which people create a government.
What is the social contract?
The Declaration of Independence was written on this date. (month, day, year)
What is July 4, 1776?
Italian thinker, Beccaria, argued for speedy trials. An idea which was the foundation of this amendment.
What is the 6th Amendment?
This U S. federal holiday is celebrated on the third Monday of January and honors this civil rights leader.
Who is Martin Luther King, Jr?
Hostesses gathered philosophers, writers, artists, scientists and other intellectuals to discuss ideas. These were named after the drawing rooms where they were held.
What are salons?
This amendment bans cruel and unusual punishment.
What is the 8th amendment?
This French writer of Candide used satire to express his views on freedom of speech and religion.
Who was Voltaire?
Is a government where the people choose their leaders through an election.
What is a Democracy?
This is the capital of California.
What is Sacramento?
This is the new architectural style to emerge during the Enlightenment period, when years of baroque style ended.
What is neoclassical?
The separation of the different branches of government are listed in this part of the Constitution.
What are the Articles?
This French philosopher believed the strongest government had a division of power.
Who is Montesquieu?
In his view, the best government must be formed through the consent of the governed.
Who was Locke?
Because of this election process, the United States is not considered a Pure Democracy. Our Founding Fathers did not have confidence in average Americans abilities to choose their presidents.
What is the Electoral College?
French social critics during the Enlightenment were called this.
What are philosophes?
Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence that all men have these three unalienable rights.
What are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
This Swiss scholar's writing in The Social Contract argued that all people are created equal.
Who is Rousseau?
Hobbes argued the best government is this - a government that is ruled by one royal leader only, usually from birth.
What is a monarchy?
According to Spotify, this was the most streamed song for all of 2024.
What is Birds of a Feather by Billie Eilish?
The term for an absolute ruler.
What is despot?
These are two of the five rights outlined in the First Amendment.
What is freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to assemble, or the right to petition the government?