Wrote that the best protection of natural rights was by separating the powers of government into different branches.
Who is the Baron de Montesquieu?
What are taxes?
This was the first revolutionary government established after the Tennis Court Oath in 1789.
What is the National Assembly?
This was a meeting of the great European nations to decide what to do with Napoleon and how to restore order to Europe.
What is the Congress of Vienna?
A Founding Father, who helped write the Declaration of Independence and travelled to France to convince Louis XVI to support the American War for Independence. There is museum named in his honor in Philadelphia.
Who is Benjamin Franklin?
In his Two Treatises on Government, he explained that governments are chosen to protect people's rights. When government fails in this responsibility, then people may overthrow it.
Who is John Locke?
The Continental Army and militias used this strategy to fight against their larger, better-equipped British army.
What is guerilla warfare or hit-and-run tactics?
What is the Reign of Terror?
This is what Napoleon did to the Directory when he understood that many people felt it was corrupt, and the time was right to take power.
What is a coup/coup d'etat?
When the men omitted the rights of women in the "Declaration of Rights of the Man and Citizen", she wrote a version for women.
Who is Olympia de Gouges?
This philosophe said that people's natural rights are best preserved when they all can vote for representatives and form a republic.
Who is Jean Jacques Rousseau?
Name for colonists who did not want to revolt against Britain and remain as loyal citizens to the Crown.
Who are the Loyalists?
He rose as the leader of the Committee of Public Safety and was responsible for many of the radical reforms of the Revolution as well as many of the deaths.
Who is Maxmillian Robespierre?
When the Russians intentionally destroyed their land and supplies as they retreated.
What is scorched earth policy?
Aficionados of reason and science met in these living rooms to discuss the great ideas and discoveries of the Enlightenment.
What are salons?
His Wealth of Nations explains that the greatest wealth for consumers and nations accumulates when the government doesn't interfere in the economy.
Who is Adam Smith?
Year when the Declaration of Independence was signed.
What is 1776?
This was a wave of panic that swept through the countryside early in the revolution in which peasants started attacking the nobles.
What is the Great Fear?
This was a legal system that Napoleon and advisors developed to provide France with a uniform set of laws.
What is the Napoleonic Code?
A champion of liberty, reason, and free speech, he said that while he may disagree with what you say, he would fight to the death for your right to say it.
Who is Voltaire?
In the Leviathan, he said that governments haven't been strong enough and because people evil, you need a government with overwhelming strength, like a Leviathan, to bring the people into obedience.
Who is Thomas Hobbes?
City in the American colonies that had some of the harshest protests and received the toughest consequences from Great Britain.
What is Boston?
What is Jean-Paul Marat?
Name of the war in which Napoleon's armies invaded Spain, and Spanish rebels fought against having Joseph Bonaparte as their new king.
What is the Peninsular War?
The American and French Revolutions inspired a revolt by slaves and former slaves like Toussaint L'Ouverture in this modern-day country, a former French colony called Saint-Domingue.
What is Haiti?