The English ______ __ __________ of 1689 gave new powers to Parliament.
What is The Bill of Rights
The series of events that led to the birth of modern science is called the ____________?
what is scientific revolution
God is like a fine clock maker: he creates the clock/world then lets the world run its own course and does not interfere.
What is "Clock-maker" Theory
meeting places where the great philosopher came to discuss new ideas
what is salon
He believed government should be divided into branches.
The ___________________ __ __________ was signed in 1776. It contains John Locke's concept of natural rights.
What is The Declaration of Independence
Ancient Greek thinker, astronomer, mapmaker who said the sun orbited the earth
who is Ptolemy
Copernicus was the first to say that the _________ and other planets orbited the________.
what is earth / sun
Rousseau asserts that modern states repress the physical freedom that is our birthright
"Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains."
He believed that life, liberty, and ownership of property were natural rights.
Who is Locke
(1596-1650) French philosopher, discovered analytical geometry. Saw Algebra and Geometry have a direct relationship
who is Descartes
Newton described three laws of __ __ __ __ __ __ that showed how objects move and stop moving in space.
Newton said that _____________ holds planets in orbit around the sun.
what is gravity
The slogan that summarizes the Natural Rights of all people, according to John Locke
Life, Liberty, Property
Early advocate for the rights of women.
who is Mary Wollstonecraft
Developed a vaccine for smallpox in 1796
who is Edward Jenner
What tool did Galileo use to study astronomy?
Francis Bacon believed life improved through _____________
what is science and knowledge
Political idea that many branches of government should have distinctive and defined roles in the government and share power
what is separation of powers
Name the astronomer who proved the planets move in elliptical, not circular orbits.
who is kepler
when did the scientific revolution take place?
when is 1543 - 1687
What tool measures air pressure?
what is a barometer
He came up with the phrase, "Cogito Ergo Sum"
who is Descartes
government structure in which government actions are limited by law
what is limited government
English philosopher/scientist who helped create the scientific method
who is bacon