Financial Aid
Summer Time
Campus Offices
College Counselors
Opportunity Programs

What does TAP stand for?

What is Tuition Assistance Program


What application should you submit if you plan to live on campus?

What is your housing application?


What office can you approach to ask for your pending reimbursements and refund?

What is the Office of Bursar


What college did Mr. Peres graduate from in 2019?

What is Boston College


By when should you meet with your OP advisor?

When is end of summer?


If you are going to a school in New York, what financial aid application should you change before the summer?

What is TAP


What should you attend during the summer to successfully matriculate to college?

What is orientation


What office usually deals with summer orientation?

What is First-Year experience


What is Student Affairs


What year did Ms. Bediako graduate from Cornell University?

What is 2004


What can you usually get waived for if you were admitted through an OP?

What is an enrollment and housing deposit?


What should you do after you committed to college?

What is accept your financial aid award


What should you do in order to begin receiving emails from your college?

What is activate email account


What two places should you go if your gym membership at your college is not working?

What is the Office of Recreation/Recreation Center and Office of Financial Aid.


What Master's degree(s) did Mr. Peres earn in May 2022?

What is a Masters of Arts and Masters of Education


What academic-related task can your OP help you with from June-August?

What is registering for classes


What should you sign up for to ensure the processing of refunds from the Bursar office?

What is direct deposit


What document should be sent to your college after you graduate from HS?

What is your final HS transcript


What campus office should you visit if you need an override for a class you need to take?

What is Office of Registrar


What graduate school did Mr. Peres graduate from in May 2022?

What is Teachers College, Columbia University?


How long do you receive OP support in college?

What is all four years (or two years if attending community college)?


What are the two loan processes that need to be completed if you are taking out federal student loans?

What is an Entrance Loan Counseling and a Master Promissory Note


What 2 main health-related activities should be submitted to colleges?

What are immunization documents and health insurance information


You are feeling homesick, wanting to drop out, and you do not want to go to classes. Who can help?

What is the Office of Counseling Services


How many faculty members have graduated/currently are enrolled at Teachers College, Columbia University?

What are 3 faculty members? (Schoonmaker, Peres and K. Rivera (currently attending))


Name all the OPs in NYC and NYS.

What are EOP, HEOP, SEEK, CD, ASAP and ACE.