What are some ways that we are safe in the classroom?
- Keep our hands to ourself in class
- Safe with our materials (don't break things)
- Other?
How are we safe at recess?
- Use safe touches when playing games
- Only run on the grass
- Don't throw or kick things at people
How are we safe in the hallway?
- We walk to where we need to go
- We don't touch anything on the walls
How are we safe with our iPads?
- Do not hit the iPad
- Do not drop the iPad
How are we safe in the lunch room?
- Walk when in the breezeway and gym
- Hold our food with 2 hands
- Don't throw anything
How are we Kind in our classroom?
- We use kind words to each other and ourselves
- We say please and thank you
- We raise our hands to talk
- Other?
How are we kind at recess?
- Ask others to play with us
- Help someone when they fall
- Use kind words when playing games (have good sportsmanship)
How are we kind in the hallways?
- We don't touch other peoples art/things on the walls
- We are quiet when walking by other classrooms or groups
How are we kind with our iPads?
- Don't take pictures or videos of others
- Walk with them safely
How are we Kind in the lunchroom?
- Use kind words to each other and the duty teachers
- Say please and thank you
- Raise our hands if we need something
How are we responsible in our classroom?
- We get our work done and try our best
- We follow directions the first time
How are we responsible at recess?
- Use the restroom (not in class)
- Tell a duty teacher right away if something bad happens
- Put playground toys away when we are done with them (don't break them either)
- Follow the rules of the games
How are we responsible in the hallway?
- Stay in line (when with our class)
- Only go to the place we said we would go (bathroom, office, etc)
- Don't distract others from their work
How are we responsible with our iPads?
- Only go on the app we are suppose to be on
- Put them on the charging station at the end of the day
How are we responsible in the lunch room?
- Clean up after ourselves and others (table and floor)
- Raise our hand when we need something
- Follow directions the first time