Substance Use Motives
Consequences of Substance Use
Relapse Prevention Strategies
Triggers for Substance Use
Coping Skills

What is one common emotional motive for using substances?

To cope with negative emotions like sadness, anger, or anxiety.


What is one short-term consequence of alcohol use?

Impaired judgment and coordination.


What is one simple activity to distract from cravings?

Engaging in a hobby like reading, exercising, or drawing.


What is one common emotional trigger for substance use?

Anger or frustration.


What is one healthy way to manage stress?

Exercise or meditation.


What is a social reason people often use substances?

Peer pressure or fitting in with a group of friends.


What is a common long-term physical consequence of methamphetamine use?

Severe dental problems, often referred to as "meth mouth."


How can mindfulness help prevent relapse?

Mindfulness helps you stay present and manage cravings without reacting impulsively.


Name an environmental trigger for substance use.

Being in places where you used to use substances, like a bar or certain friend’s house.


How can journaling help with cravings?

It allows you to express and process emotions, helping reduce the urge to use.


How does boredom influence substance use?

Some people use substances to fill time or escape boredom.


How can substance use affect mental health?

It can worsen mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression.


What is an important step to take when you recognize a relapse warning sign?

Reach out to your support system, such as a sponsor, therapist, or recovery group.


How can social media be a trigger for substance use?

Seeing posts or pictures of people drinking or using substances can prompt cravings.


What’s a good strategy when dealing with social pressure to use substances?

Politely decline and suggest an alternative activity, or remove yourself from the situation.


What role does stress play in substance use?

People often use substances to relieve stress or calm down after stressful events.


What is one financial consequence of substance use?

Spending money on substances can lead to financial problems, including debt.


What should you do if you find yourself in a triggering situation, such as a party with alcohol?

Leave the situation or use a pre-planned coping strategy.


Why can boredom be a trigger for substance use?

It may lead to thoughts of using substances to pass time or feel excitement.


Name one way to practice self-care to reduce relapse risk.

Getting enough sleep, eating well, or taking time for relaxation.


What is one way that curiosity can lead to substance use?

People may want to try a substance out of curiosity about its effects or because others are doing it.


How can substance use affect relationships?

Substance use can cause conflict, break trust, and lead to strained or broken relationships.


Why is self-care important in relapse prevention?

Taking care of your physical and emotional health reduces stress and helps you stay on track in recovery.


How does overconfidence in recovery become a trigger?

Thinking "I’ve got this" can lead to risky behavior like skipping meetings or being in environments where substances are present.


What should you do when feeling overwhelmed with emotions that could trigger substance use?

Call a trusted support person or attend a recovery meeting.