Ears, Eyes, Nervous System
Walk it out
Take a deep breath
The heart of the matter
To be blue or not to be blue...that is the question
The most common causative agent in meningitis and how to prevent against it
What is H. influenzae and give the H. influenzae type B vaccine
The main difference between Buck's extension traction and Russell traction
What is the use of a sling under the knee with pull being in 2 directions
Therapy for Acute pharyngitis
What is penicillin orally for 10 days
A sign that a parent may report to the doctor that may indicate a cardio condition
What is fatigue during feeding or activity
Left-to-right shunting is seen with this defect and what is the characteristic sound
What is Ventricular septal defect, loud, harsh murmur combined with a systolic thrill
Fever of 104 F, irritability and rolling of the head from side to side are all symptoms of what?
What is Acute otitis media
The most important nursing intervention to detect abnormalities in a child in traction
What is frequent neurovascular checks
Treatment for croup that can be performed by the parents of the child at home
What is hot water in the shower to increase the humidity
A sign of digitalis toxicity that may be seen in a child
What is vomiting
The issue when oxygenated blood is recycled through the lungs, overburdening the pulmonary circulation and making the heart pump harder
What is patent ductus arteriosus
This is indicative of hearing impairment in an infant
What is lack of a startle reflex in infants under 4 months of age
The signs of progressive weakness noted in a child with Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy
What is frequent falling and clumsiness
You observe tachycardia, abdominal pain and diuresis in your patient, what are these indicative of
What is theophylline toxicity
When should digoxin be held for an infant or child
What is when the pulse rate is below 100beats/min
The characteristic symptom in coarctation of the aorta
What is marked difference in the blood pressure and pulses of the upper and lower extremities.
This is the common causative agent in Reye's Syndrome and name the characteristic sign in children
What is Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) and sudden effortless vomiting
The requirements for use of a Milwaukee brace
What is worn 23 hours a day over a t-shirt
The way that beverages should be given to children with asthma and why
What is at room temperature because cold liquids can trigger reflex bronchospams
The length of time for treatment of Rheumatic carditis
What is minimum of a 5-year period or until age 18 years is attained
Survival of an infant with hypoplastic left heart syndrome depends on what
What is a patent ductus arteriosus and foramen ovale
This type of cerebral palsy is characterized by jerky motions where the legs cross and the toes point inward
What is Spastic Cerebral Palsy
A baby has a green bruise noted to the torso, the approximate time that the baby has had that bruise?
What is 5 to 7 days
What is the importance of assessing breath sounds in a child with RSV
What is a child who has been wheezing and now has a "quiet chest" may be at risk for respiratory arrest.
The end result of Kawasaki Disease and what it often results in
What is inflammation that weakens the walls of the vessels and often results in an aneurysm
The position that relieves the symptoms of Tetralogy of Fallot
What is Tet position with knees to chest