The Spanish Move North
French Explore the Mississippi
The French and Indian War
Hink Pinks
This is why the Spanish wanted to start a colony in Florida. No, not because the white sand beaches.
What is to prevent the French and British from getting a foothold in the New World?
This type of water craft was taught to the French by the Native Americans.
What is a birch-bark canoe?
Metacom started King Philip's War, attempting to force the English out of this area.
What is New England?
Rugged stretch of land near the Appalachian Mountains.
What is backcountry?
This first permanent European settlement founded by the Spanish just said something very rude to me.
What is mean St. Augustine?
Menendez was charged with finding and defeating these people and taking control of this area.
What is French and Florida?
This was the river the French explored to find new lands, set up trading posts, and search for the elusive Northwest Passage. Spell it to get it right.
What is MISSISSIPPI River?
This valley is believed to be the start of the French and Indian War. These are the two countries fighting over control of it.
What is the Ohio River valley and France/England?
No it is not a car. It is the route the Spanish used to trade goods between New Spain and New Mexico.
What is El Camino Real?
This was named the capital of New Mexico in 1610 as said by a horse.
What is Santa Fe neigh?
The Spanish didn't find gold in New Mexico, but they did find this.
What is grasslands?
This is one of the French trading posts that was very successful. This is one reason why it was so successful.
What is New Orleans because it was at the mouth of the Mississippi River?
The Treaty of Paris was signed in 1763, ending the French and Indian War. This is what what British leaders sent to help this occur and this is the city where a key battle was won.
What is more soldiers and Quebec?
This war was named after Metacom. Huh?
What is King Philip's War?
This king of France was found bobbing up and down in the water.
What is a King Louis buoy?
This is what a presidio is and this is what it was used for.
What is a military fort and to protect the missions?
These are two benefits that resulted from the relationship of the French and the Native Americans in the Great Lakes region.
What is build canoes, make snowhoes, knowledge of the Mississippi River?
The British took control of land once owned by these two peolpes.
What is French, Indians?
This stream or river flows inot a larger river.
What is tributary?
This is what Chief Massasoit's wife was to this leader who fought to force the English out of New England.
What is Metacom's mom?
This is why the Pueblo Revolt took place AND this is the result of the Pueblo Revolt.
What is the Pueble were being mistreated and the Spanish were forced out fo New Mexico?
La Salle finally made it to the mouth of the Mississippi but only after carrying his canoes over snow and frozen streams. He also got some help from two past explorers that traveled down the same river 9 years earlier. Name them.
Who is Marquette and Jolliet?
This is the reason King George III issued the Proclamation of 1763.
What is to stop fighting Indians on lands won from France?
This map can show more detail and this map can show a big area of Earth.
What is large-scale and small-scale map?
This would be the name of the sport Mr. Risley coaches if it were named after the Ottawa leader that led a revolt against the British in the Ohio River valley.
What is Pontiac track?