SCU FA Process
Financial Aid I
Financial Aid II
Other than wages, AGI and taxes paid, name two other verification items
What is: Education credits Untaxed IRA deductions household size number in college tax exempt interest income child support paid SNAP Untaxed portions of IRA distributions and pensions
These 2 documents are required before a financial aid award can be created for a student
What are the FAFSA and FAAP
Name 2 reasons a dependent student would qualify for the additional $4,000/year in Unsubsidized Federal Student Loan
What is Parent denied a PLUS loan Family receives free reduced lunch Family receives SNAP benefits 0 EFC
Name 2 legitimate FAFSA reasons a student can use to determine which of her divorced parents goes on her FAFSA?
what is which parent provided more than 50% financial support to the student which parent does the student reside with for more than 50% of the year which parent receives the child support on the student's behalf
Pseudonym of labor activist and magazine namesake Mary Harris Jones
What is Mother Jones
Name two of the reasons why DRT may NOT work for a FAFSA applicant (other than did not file)
What is: did not file taxes online 3 weeks prior to completing a FAFSA Filed amended taxes address on FAFSA does not match address on tax return filed foreign or Puerto Rico return married filing separately
In addition to the FAAP and FAFSA, what else must a student have before an FA award can be done?
What is be ACCEPTED.
When would a student include their parent as number in college on the student's own FAFSA?
What is NEVER. Parents do not count as number in college on a dependent student's FAFSA.
Name two of the three tuition remission programs
What is Tuition Exchange (TE) Catholic College Cooperative Tuition Exchange (CCCTE) Council of Independent Colleges (CIC)
This number, one of the first 20, uses only one vowel (4 times!)
What is sEvEntEEn (17)
When selected for Verification type V4, it is the one form the student must submit with notary's signature or in person to the FA counselor
What is the Statement of Educational Purpose
A student tells you that they submitted a FAFSA weeks ago but we still don't have it; what do they need to provide to FA counselor so we can view the student's FAFSA on FAA Access?
What is Data Release Number (DRN)
In addition to Pell Grant and TEACH grant, name the other federal grant available to students with significant financial need?
What is Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
Why is it important for aid packaging, to distinguish between living off campus or living with parents?
What is they utilize different COAs which can affect the SCU gift aid amount and total additional loan a student can borrow for an academic year
To mary Elizabeth, Prince Phillip had to renounce his claims to this southern European country's crown
What is Greece
Was formerly known as the Food Stamps program
What is Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
A student's transfer application must have what 3 qualifications in order to be awarded Dean's scholarship?
What are 3.5 cumulative gpa, 20 completed credits, from an accredited 4-year institution
Name all the items that make up the Cost of Attendance (COA)
What are: tuition fees books supplies room board misc.
What 'formula' helps an FA counselor determine a students eligibility for need based aid?
What is COA - EFC = eligibility for need based aid
What high level SCU administrator started out their career in higher ed, as a financial aid intern?
Who is Brian Bruess
This type of verification requires all of requirements V1 verification and also includes the statement of educational purpose
What is Aggregate Verification (v5)
Name two reasons why you would see a REJECT FAFSA in tracking
What is: No SSN match No student signature (counts as 1) No parent signature (counts as 1) Missing parent info
What aid source can a student qualify for, if they by choice do NOT put parental information on their dependent student FAFSA?
What is an Unsubsidized Federal Student Loan
What is the SCU Parent Partnership Grant?
What is a grant from St. Kate's that covers the default and origination fees on a parent's PLUS loan
Its the only country that Portugal borders
What is Spain