Ch. 33 Bold Terms
Policies and Plans
Alphabet Agencies
This measure provided for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which insured individual deposits up to $5,000
What is the Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act?
This is the first bold face term in Chapter 33
What is the Brain Trust?
This tall, ungainly, and toothy woman held powerful influence on the policies of the national government and always battled for the impoverished and the oppressed through her speeches, her press conferences, and her syndicated newspaper column
Who is Eleanor Roosevelt?
These were the three R's of Roosevelt's New Deal
What is relief, recovery, and reform?
The New Deal's attempt to stimulate a nationwide comeback initiated by the Emergency Congress in order to combine immediate relief with long-range recovery
What is the National Recovery Administration (NRA)?
A measure to cushion future depressions that provided for federal-state unemployment insurance
What is the Social Security Act?
A small group of reform-minded intellectuals that was predominantly young college professors who would later author much of the New Deal legislation
What is the Brain Trust?
This Roman Catholic priest used the radio to first advocate FDR and his early New Deal proposals, but eventually renounced his support of the president and began using his radio station to attack Jewish bankers and to support Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini
Who is Father Charles Edward Coughlin?
This was Roosevelt's plan to expand the Supreme Court to 15 justices in order to put more liberal-thinking justices into place, which failed but ultimately succeeded in making the current justices more friendly to New Deal reforms
What is the Court-packing plan?
The New Deal organization that provided employment in fresh-air government camps for about 3 million uninformed young men
What is the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)?
This trailblazing law created a new National Labor Relations Board for administrative purposes and reasserted the right of labor to engage in self-organization and to bargain collectively through representatives of its own choice
What is the Wagner Act?
This period involved Congress hastily cranking out an unprecedented basketful of remedial legislation
What is the Hundred Days?
This Louisiana governor (1928-1932) and senator (1932-1935) pursued progressive policies including a "Share Our Wealth" program to give every family $5,000 directly from the rich, expanding hospitals and educational institutions, providing health care for the poor, and bringing an end to rural isolationism in his state through massive highway construction
Who is Huey Long?
This federal program gave specified categories of retired workers' pensions from Washington financed by a payroll tax on employers and employees
What is Social Security?
This far-ranging enterprise, the most revolutionary of all the New Deal schemes, sought to discover precisely how much the production and distribution of electricity cost in order to test how fair the rates were
What is the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)?
This bill made industries involved in interstate commerce set up minimum-wage and maximum-hour levels which were to eventually reach 40 cents and hour and a 40 hour week
What is the Fair Labor Standards Act/Wages and Hours Bill?
This is the area that stretched from eastern Colorado to western Missouri that faced a prolonged drought and series of dust storms caused by dry farming techniques, steam tractors disk plows tearing up infinitely more sod than oxen did, and the natural windy conditions
What is the Dust Bowl?
This retired California physician proposed an age-centered pension that spurred the Roosevelt administration to create Social Security
Who is Francis Earl Townsend?
This financial policy sought inflation to relieve debtors and stimulate new production through gold buying
What is managed currency?
This organization was formed with the support of the Wagner Act's National Labor Relations Board as a way for unions to collectively organize themselves
What is the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)?
This act was promoted by John Collier and sought to reverse the forced assimilation policies put in place by the Dawes Act of 1887
What is the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934/the Indian New Deal?
This organization was established to set fair prices for farmers and raise taxes to pay farmers to reduce their crop acreage
What is the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)?
Although she was undeservedly criticized by male businessmen, laborites, and politicians, she was the first woman cabinet member and the secretary of labor under Roosevelt from 1933 to 1945
Who is Frances Perkins?
The use of government spending and fiscal policy to 'prime the pump' of the economy and encourage consumer spending
What is Keynesianism?
This agency stimulated the building industry through small loans to householders for improving their estates and for completing new ones
What is the Federal Housing Administration (FHA)?