Holistic Approaches
Integrated Psychology in Personal Life
Integrated Psychology in Careers and Education
Psychology Across Disciplines
Favorite Learning Theories
Emphasizes on the whole and the independence parts of a whole.
What is Holistic Approach
The process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviors.
What is Motivation?
Wow - I did not know that I am a Body/Kinesthetic Learner until I did this!
What is a Learning Style test?
I work with patients who have psychopathology such as obsessive compulsive disorders, sexual deviance, and provide assessments and treatment for these individuals.
What is a Clinical Psychologist?
He made famous the study of conditioning as a form of learning. Don't Drool when you hear the answer!
Who is Ivan Pavlov?
The development of a person as a whole rather then just academically.
What is What is holistic education?
This incentive based theory suggests that people are motivated to do things asa result of .....
What is External rewards?
This test identifies your knowledge basis - or simply how smart you are.
What is an IQ Test?
I focus on how people learn, and focus on students having difficulty or excel in academia.
What is an Educational Psychologist?
He became the most influential theorist of learning and development.
Who is Albert Bandura?
The theory that people have different intellegences, ways of learning and processing information.
What is Multiple Intelligence?
Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs provides different motivations at different levels within an individual's life is part of this motivational theory.
What is Humanistic Theory?
Jimmy wanted to know if he should join the circus or run for Senator - so he did this.
What is take an aptitude test?
I work in a hospital with people who have many different types of diseases, but I focus on how they cope and react to disease. My focus is on promoting health care system and policy.
What is a Health Psychologist?
The first psychologist to create a systematic study of cognitive development.
Who is Jean Piaget?
The philosophy of holistic education that includes spiritual development, psychological development and the undefined potential that all humans aspire too.
What is Martin and Forbes concept of "Ultimacy" in holistic education
Feeling the need to perform an activity such as exercising, going to the movies, or even reading a book is an example of this motivational theory.
What is Arousal theory?
The study of human cognition, or thought, as it relates to neuroscience, or the biological functions of the brain and nervous system.
What is a Cognitive Neuroscientist
I help companies and agencies get the most productivity out of their employees.
What is an Industrial Organizational Psychologist
This theorist studied operant conditioning and reinforcement. Nobody puts baby in a corner - but he put baby in a box!
Who is BF Skinner?
The holistic learning concepts of: Freedom, good-judgement, meta learning, social ability, refining values and self knowledge.
What is Bernstein's Sagacious Competence?
The three known components to motivation are: Activation, intensity and this ....
What is persistence?
In order to attend Yale, Suzie realized that she had to obtain a score of 3500 or higher on this national exam.
What is the Standardized Aptitude Test.
When Tiger Woods lost his swing he came to see me.
What is a Sports Psychologist?
He developed the throes about the development of identity throughout the lifespan - childhood, adulthood and old age.
Who is Erik Erikson?