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What type of disability has the highest percentage?
What is Specific Learning Disability (SLD)
What is Least restrictive environment
People with learning disabilities usually have average or near-average intelligence.
What is True
1. central nervous system dysfunction 2. Cognitive processing differences 3. Difficulty in academic and learning tasks 4. Discrepancy between potential and achievement 5. Exclusion of other causes
What is How we decide that a child has a learning disability
The maturation of cognitive skills (or thinking) follows a sequential progression. A child’s ability to learn depends on the child’s current maturational status Jean Piaget (Maturational stages of Development) /Vygotsky (zone of proximal development) Stages of learning: 1. Exposure 2. Grasping the knowledge 3. Independence 4. application
What is Developmental Psychology
Refers to a neurobiological disorder in one or more of the basic process involved in understanding spoken or written language. The condition may influence their ability to speak, listen, read, write, spell, reason, or organize information> (not someone with autism or mental retardation,)
What is Learning Disabilities
What is Individualized education program
Most individuals with learning disabilities struggle throughout life and are rarely successful or are leaders
What is False
a low- intensive evidence-based instruction while progress monitoring continues. Often support teachers, such as reading specialists etc instruct students in smaller groups.
What is Tier 2
Name 3 of Gardner's Multiple Inteligences
What is Verbal/linguistic, logical/mathematical, visual/spatial, musical, bodily/kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and nturalistic
What is The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act
person with a disability” as “any person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, has a record of such an impairment, or is regarded as having such an impairment.” Major life activities include functions such as caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working.
What is 504
The most prevalent disabilities identified in the U.S. are specific learning disabilities.
What is True
Highly intensive evidence-based interventions taught in small groups, while progress monitoring continues
What is Tier 3
Strives to meet the unique needs of each individual student and seeks to find the instruction that will be successful for that student
What is differentiated Instruction
What is Response to Intervention
What is Free and appropriate public education
A child can be identified as having a specific learning disability if the severe discrepancy between ability and achievement is primarily the result of economic disadvantage.
What is False
To take into account the learning styles and learning needs of all students in the class. Students with learning disabilities and related mild disabilities often have different styles of learning. It is important to teach the lesson in several different ways to respond to different interests, styles of learning, and personal talents. Grouping students for instruction according to their readiness and learning styles
What is differentiated instruction
Providing abundant initial teacher support of student learning is called...
What is scaffolding
Why Give an IQ test?
What is A gauge to know what the potential of the child is. It doesn’t mean that the child can’t learn, it means that you will have an idea of how well the child will do
Difference between 504 and IEP
What is 504 accommodations, ADA IEP modifications, IDEiA
ADHD is always present in individuals with SLD.
What is False
Semantically centers on the task to be learned(Model) teaches academic skills directly, is teacher directed and controlled, carefully sequenced, mastery of skills, sets goals, sufficient time for instruction, immediate feedback,etc. Based on behavioral orientation : teachers are clear about the specific skills to be taught and they explicitly teach each step or skill rather than leave it up to the child to make inferences from the student’s own experiences in order to learn.
What is direct or explict teaching
Modifies etaching as learning comes apparent links assessment and teaching Tailors the learning experiences for the unique needs of the student condiers what a student can do as well as what the student cannot do These are examples of:
What is Clinical teaching