Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Vocabulary and Idioms
How does Ponyboy describe himself?
*Not tough-looking *light-brown hair, almost-red longer hair *greenish-gray eyes *a greaser *likes to spend time alone *a reader *likes to draw *movie-lover *poorer than the middle class and Socs *tries to behave himself *doesn't always use his head *makes good grades *kind of small *good build
Why does Dally use vulgar and abrasive language with the girls at the movies?
*He is trying to make an impression on them *Just a mean-type person *Feels inferior so is trying to bolster himself *Doesn't know of any other way to talk to girls when he doesn't know them and wants to *Habit.
What does Cherry tell Ponyboy about the Socs?
*Greasers have a different set of values and are emotional while Socs are sophisticated. *Socs will say they like things they really don't like just to be cool. *Socs are always going and going; can't be satisfied; don't let their real selves show through. They feel "too violently."
How does Ponyboy get out of the trouble he was in the day he was approached by the Socs while walking home from the movies alone? Subject=?
The Greasers came to his rescue. Subject=Friendship; belonging to a gang; family; brotherhood;
1) Lone it 2) Happy-go-lucky 3) Lift a hubcap 4) Marked Lousy
1) do it alone 2) carefree; easy going 3) steal a hubcap 4) branded with the reputation of being someone bad or one to stay away from
What happened to Ponyboy on the way home from the movies?
The Socs follow him, threatening to cut off his hair and harm him in other ways.
How do the girls respond to the insults from Dally? From their reactions, what can you conclude about their personalities?
*They stand up to him and tell him to stop, trying to be at least polite at first. *Cherry throws her Coke in his face to "cool him off." *They are very self-assured and confident, possibly feeling superior.
Relate the story about Mickey Mouse. Why was it included in the novel?
*Soda worked at the stables where Mickey Mouse was boarded. He came when Soda called him, but not for anyone else. The horse loved Soda and he loved the horse. One day the horse was sold and Soda had cried all night. Soda had never wanted anything but that horse, and now he was gone. It was included in the novel because...
Describe Ponyboy, Soda, and Darry's relationship with each other. Subject=?
*Ponyboy to Sodapop-he loves Soda more than anyone in the world-idolizes him; *Ponyboy to Darry-he isn't really close to Darry, but looks up to him and respects him, somewhat out of fear. *Sodapop to Darry- he is not afraid of Darry-even teases him and tells him what to do. *Sodapop to Ponyboy-he doesn't think of Ponyboy as a kid and likes to hang around him. *Darry to Ponyboy-he is rough on Ponyboy; treats him like a parent would, and never sees anything he does as good enough. *Darry to Sodapop- he is much easier on Soda, overlooking his mistakes and bad choices. Subject=Family
1) Got wise to us 2) Sizing him up 3) Couldn't say "boo" to a goose
1) figured out what we were up to 2) watching closely to try to determine what kind of person he is 3) very shy; timid
How did Two-bit get his nickname? What is his real name?
He is a wisecracker who always has to get in his two-bits; Keith
Why is Ponyboy uncomfortable about Dally's behavior?
He does not treat people like that, even though he is a Greaser and the girls are Socs. That's not his kind of kicks.
When the blue Mustang rolls up (after the drive-in), what are its occupants hoping to do? What do the Greasers think they want?
*Get the girls to go home with them *To start a fight.
What rule do the Greasers follow, besides "stick together?" How do you think these rules came to be? Subject=?
"Don't get caught." They had learned to be like a family to each other, and these were some of the ways they protected each other. Subject=Friendship; family; belonging to a gang
1) Half-crocked 2) Like it or Lump it
1) drunk 2) accept the situation the way it is because you can't do anything to change it
According to Ponyboy, what is different about Dally from the rest of the guys?
*He spent three years on the wild side of New York and was arrested when he was ten *hates the world *tougher, meaner, colder, and bitter.
Why are the girls alone and without a car?
They came to the movies with their boyfriends, but walked out on them when they found out the boys had booze. The boys got angry and left.
Give your opinion of Cherry saying, "...if I see you in the hall at school or someplace and don't say hi, well, it's not personal..." Explain the reason for your point of view. Subject=?
Answer is personal and will vary, but should include an explanation of the student's point of view. Subject=Prejudice/Stereotypes
Explain the reference to watching the sunset. Why is it an important part of the buildup of the relationship between Cherry Valance and Ponyboy? Subject=?
Cherry and Ponyboy both watched the sunset, and since they had that in common, they realized that there were probably many things they had in common, even though they came from different backgrounds. They needed to have things in common in order to bond. Subject=Friendship; sameness
1) Madras 2) Unfathomable
1) a light cotton plaid fabric used for shirts, dresses, etc. 2) impossible to understand; incomprehensible
Why does Darry work so hard?
He is trying to keep his family together since the death of their parents.
Describe the attack on Johnny. (Why do you think the attack was so traumatic to him?)
Mustang pulled up beside the lot, four Socs got out, one with a lot of rings had cut up his face. They had scared and threatened him. (Johnny's face was cut up, bruised and swollen, and he had a gash from his temple to his cheekbone. He never walked alone again and now carries a 6-inch blade.)
Why does Johnny say he likes it better when his father is hitting him?
At least he knows that his parents know he is alive.
Why doesn't Darry call the police when Ponyboy doesn't arrive home until 2:00 a.m.? Subject=?
He doesn't want trouble. If there is trouble, Ponyboy, Soda, and Darry might be split up and Soda and Pony "thrown in a boys' home so quick it'd make your head spin." Subject=Family
1) Incredulous 2) Heaters 3) Gallantly
1) not inclined to believe; skeptical 2) guns, pistols, revolvers or other firearms 3) in a brave, valiant, noble-minded, or chivalrous way