Test Security
What pages in the DCCM tell me when students should use a Form 01 test.
Pages 8 & 9?
Who is required to be assessed with TELPAS?
All current LEP students including those with parent denials.
Name one of the two numbers that is designated as a student's PEIMS number.
The social security number or State ID Number. NOT the local ID number.
What is used to document the test booklets checked out to test administrators and back into campus coordinators?
The Materials Control Form. This form should also be kept in the file for 5 years.
If a 5th grade student is in their first year in US schools and is LEP exempt in all areas, what test(s) does the student take, if any?
LAT Math, LAT Science and TELPAS
What occurs after each of the following? *After training on General Test Procedures , before handling secure materials, *After training on specific procedures for a test, before handling secure materials, *After the completion of each administration, *After an Oral Administration of a test, if applicable.
The Test Administrator signs an oath?
What is the date that writing collections can begin? This is also the same day that Level 1 & 2 online training coures become available.
February 1st
If a student is Absent AND is Exempt based on Limited English Proficiency (taking a LAT if available) the score code is marked as this.
What is L?
If your Campus Materials List indicates you are receiving 20 grade 8 test booklets, but you need 26 test booklets, how do you indicate how many more you need when ordering additional materials.
You would write +8 beside the 20. Not the total number you need.
What is the latest that TEA will accept Accommodation Request Forms?
One week prior to the assessment. Two weeks prior to TELPAS for paper tests. But submit them as soon as you know an ARF is needed.
What do the following have in common? *Testing Irregularity & investigation documentation, *Inventory and Shipping Records (including Materials Control Form), *Signed Security Oaths, * Seating Charts, *TAKS-Alt Documentation
These are the documents that should be kekpt on file for 5 years? (Readily available)
Name one reason why is the website https://texas.pearson.desire2learn.com important. Another way to reach the website is: http://www.TexasAssessment.com/telpasonlinetraining
1. This is where the online training courses are located. 2. This is also where campus coordinators can monitor the training of TELPAS raters when registered as Campus Testing Coordinators. 3. Campus coordinators can look up the training and qualification status of any teacher in Texas who has registered.
Bubbling P, R, S, T, BR, LP, OA, or DB on an answer document indicates this.
The student was eligible and received an accommodation?
What does each column on the Calendar of Events indicate?
It indicates a separate test administration. All materials arrive together and must be shipped back to Pearson together.
How do you know if an accommodations needs an Accommodation Request Form?
In the Accommodations Manual, it will be noted in italics under the accommodation. Also, if an accommodation is not listed in the manual, it would require an ARF.
What is this an example of? A Test Administrator realized that a student's answer document was blank after the student left the room. The TA remembered that the student could not work on his test after leaving the room. So, the TA immediately looked in the test booklet to see if the student marked his answers in the test booklet hoping he could transcribe the answers onto the answer document.
This is a testing irregularity. (TEA must be contacted to view any test booklet.)
Years in US schools must be indicated in the TELPAS assessment. How many years would be indicated for the following student? The student is currently in 4th grade. She first enrolled in US schools on the first day of Kindergarten.
4 years. Pre-K and Kindergarten do not count. (p. 273 DCCM)
Eligible LAT students who are also eligible for a TAKS-Accommodated test take what test.
The regular LAT TAKS?
When should you verify the number of materials you receive in your shipment?
Immediately upon receipt. It is hard to explain to Pearson that you did not realize that you did have the number of test booklets the packing slip indicated if you discover it the day before the test.
Oral administration is allowed for math, science and social studies. The ARD, 504, or knowledgeable persons committee must determine and document the level of reading support. What are the levels of reading support available?
The test administrator reading a few words or phrases, reading multiple sentences, or reading the entire test. The student may request a change in the level of reading support only if this option in documented.
District Name, campus name, name of assessment, first and last name of T. A., first and last name of student, location of student must all be included where?
The seating chart?
What is required if an individual rates fewer than 5 of the 7 students successfully in Level 2 Refresher courses.
Supplemental Training
Where can the testing schedule for administering a Dyslexia Bundled Accommodated test be found? (Remember it is given over 2 days.)
p. 37 of the DCCM. Remember, it is given over 2 days.
The following are all included in what? Used Answer Documents Used Grade 3 Tests Booklets Voided Answer Documents Voided Grade 3 Test Booklets
Scorable Shipment to Pearson
A supplemental aid is a resource that assists a student recalling information. If a student's disability affects memory retrieval, a supplemental aid may be allowed on what test(s)?
TAKS-Accommodated if listed in Appendix D. TAKS-M if all the conditions for TAKS-Accommodated are met. (see p. 70 in the Accommodations Manual)