What tool would be used to measure the volume of a liquid?
What is a graduated cylinder?
You slide a box across a table. Which force would cause the box to stop sliding before it reaches the end of the table?
What is friction?
Which type of wave is part of the electromagnetic spectrum?
What is light?
What is the amplitude of the transverse wave? (#4 in the packet)
What is 30 nm?
How will gravitational pull between two objects be affected if the distance between the two objects decreases?
What is increases?
You can see your image clearly in a mirror because light is being what?
What is reflected?
One molecule of glucose has a formula C6H12O6. Hoe many atoms make up a glucose molecule?
What is 24?
How can you identify elements that have similar properties on the periodic table?
What is they will be in the same vertical column?
Which simple machine would you use to pry a heavy rock from the ground?
What is lever?
What will the temperature reading MOST LIKELY be at 10 hours? (#10 in packet)
What is 48 degrees Celcius?
Which situation describes an unsafe laboratory practice?
What is removing a hot container from a burner without gloves or tongs?
Bob is conducting an experiment on plant growth. He grows four groups of plants in identical conditions except as described above. Which group in Bob's experiment is the control group? (#22 in packet)
What is group 1?
Based on the procedures Bob is using, what scientific question is he trying to answer?
What is, "Does regular fertilizer treatment affect plant growth?"
Maria measures the length of a piece of wood as 2.7 meters. What is the length of the wood in centimeters?
What is 270?
Tammy needs to find the volume of a marble. Which correctly describes the tools and techniques she will need to find this measurement? (#29 in packet)
What is obtain a sample of water in a graduated cylinder. Record the volume. Add the marble to the cylinder and record the new volume. Subtract the volume of the water alone from the volume of the water and the marble to determine the volume of the marble.?
What is the form of energy given off by a vibrating object?
What is sound energy?
Sandra is making a salad. She places lettuce, tomato, cheese, cucumbers, vinegar, and oil in a bowl. She then lightly tosses the ingredients to combine them. When completely combined, the ingredients can easily be identified and separated from each other. What kind of substance has Sandra produced?
What is a mixture?
Which term is used to describe a set of related or connected parts or ideas that work together as a whole?
What is a system?
A student collected the data shown of the types and numbers of pets in an apartment building. Based on these data, what percentage of pets are cats? (#34 in packet)
What is 15 percent?
Carl wants to determine if blue eyes are more common in humans than brown eyes. He observes and records the eye color of his mother, father, two sisters, and himself. Hid data show that three people in his family have blue eyes and two have brown eyes. Based on these data, Carl concludes that blue eye color is more common in humans than brown eye color. What is the main reason you should question the value of the conclusion reached by Carl?
What is the sample size in his research was too small?
A student is conducting an experiment that involves potentially harmful chemicals. In which illustration is the student BEST demonstrating appropriate and safe techniques for handling the chemicals? (#40 in packet)
What is A?
A scientist conducts a valid experiment but collects data that contradict a current theory. What should the scientist do? (#45 in packet)
What is attempt to publish the results as accurately as possible and wait for a response from the scientific community?
What is MOST LIKELY to happen if many repeated investigations suggest that a current theory is wrong?
What is the theory may be discarded?
Of solid NaCl, liquid NaCl, NaCl dissolved in water, or water H2O which is an example of a mixture?
What is solid NaCl?
Mercury melts at -38.87 degrees Celcius and boils at 356.58 degrees Celcius. What is the freezing point of mercury?
What is -38.87 degrees Celcius?