Motivation Theorists
Leadership Styles
Types of Motivation
He developed the Scientific Management or Taylorism theory
Who is (Frederick) Taylor
Leader that sees workforce as family members
What is a paternalistic leader?
The two different types of wages
What are hourly rate and piece rate
His theory has to do with the perceptions that the managers hold on their employees
Who is (Douglas) McGregor
Leadership style that gives the leader the most management control
What is autocratic leadership?
Desire, effort, and passion to achieve something. In business it refers to the willingness to complete a task or job with enthusiasm.
What is motivation?
This theorist published his findings in a book "The Motivation to Work" in 1959
Who is (Frederick) Herzberg
Employees feel engaged in the business when the manager uses this leadership style
What is democratic leadership?
Job enrichment, job enlargement, job rotation, empowerment
What are the non-financial motivation factors?
1) Replace rule-of-thumb work methods with methods based on scientific study of tasks 2)Train workers yourself, don't leave them to do it 3)Cooperate with workers 4)Divide work nearly equally between workers and managers
What are Taylor's four principles of scientific management?
Leadership that may lead to lack of motivation in employees, little incentive, and poor production
What is Laissez-Faire leadership?
higher morale and job satisfaction, improves corporate image, better industrial relations, lower staff turnover, lower absenteeism, higher profits
What are the benefits of a motivated workforce?
The four theorists and their theories
What is Herzberg and the Motivation-Hygiene Theory, Maslow and the Hierarchy of Needs, McGregor and the XY Theory, Taylor and Scientific Management
Name of the individual, nature of group, nature of task, history and tradition of organisation, organisational structure
What are the considerations that influence the style of leadership?
High absenteeism, high labor turnover rate, high wastage level, low quality output, increasing number of customer complaints, poor punctuality, increasing number of disciplinary problems
What are the signs of a poorly motivated workforce?