nursing diagnosis
R/T factors & interventions
evaluations & outcomes
name a nursing diagnosis that would address the client’s difficult ambulation
impaired physical mobility
A physical disability that inhibits the client from ambulating
What is legally blind
Name a way the nurse would know that the goal of improving social interaction was met
What is client participates in group activities and socializes with other members of the facility.
A nursing diagnosis that would explain why the client states, “I don’t leave my room because I don’t have any friends that I talk too, and I just want to be alone.”
What is social isolation
A reason why the client is depressed and doesn’t want to improve his health
What is sadness & regret of past life
How would the nurse assess if the client has met the goal of improving physical mobility r/t not knowing his way around the facility
What is if the client is able to ambulate to common areas in the facility (atrium) safely and feel comfortable doing so.
A diagnosis that would explain how the client feels when he stated, “I give up, there’s nothing else I can do.”
What is powerlessness or hopelessness
Physical problem that may inhibit the client from ambulating, other than blindness
What is Pain
How will the nurse know if the client’s goal of improving acute pain was met
What is assess how the client is ambulating and have him rate his pain
A diagnosis that explains how the client feels when he states, “It hurts my back when I walk, it is a sharp pain that only lasts when I’m walking.”
What is acute pain
A nursing intervention that the nurse can do to help the client get used to his surroundings
What is ambulate every week with the client
What is an outcome for this patient with the nursing diagnosis of impaired physical mobility R/T blindness AEB fear of leaving room and slow ambulation
What is the client will ambulate outside of his room at least twice a week.
A diagnosis that would explain how the client feels when he states, “I am not going to heaven, I have done bad things previously in my life.”
What is spiritual distress
A nursing intervention that could help the client meet more people in his facility
What is attend scheduled activities that the facility offers.
How will the nurse evaluate if the clients feelings of sadness and regret have improved (think Erikson)
What is client will be able to accept past life and reach Erikson’s stage of development of ego integrity VS despair.