Books and Stuff
According to T...
This and That This
Useless Trivia
These are four bands that waste valuable airwaves with their incessant catterwalling and whining.
Who are the Beatles, Phish, Radiohead, and Pink Floyd?
According to Gordon, this crackpot is the greatest and most influential science fiction writer in the history of the multiverse.
Who is J.P. Hovercraft?
all teenage music is either gangster garbage or this genre
What is emo?
This student has more than likely already been told to quiet down several times.
Who is Moretti?
This is the only food that does not spoil.
What is honey?
This soon to be mega-nova singing sensation is the future of the music industry.
Who is the bonus Jonas, Frankie Jonas?
This trilogy of novels took the author eleven years to complete.
What is the Lord of the Rings?
these are the only two things the director of the Great Gatsby potrayed accurately.
What is the title and the color of the car?
This student has more excuses to miss school than I have fingers and toes.
Who is Colten?
Coca-Cola was orignially sold in this color.
What is green?
These two articles of clothing are a dead give away that your band stinks.
What are knit caps and skinny jeans?
This author, who wrote one of the greatest war novels in American literature without ever having seen a war, died at the age of 28.
Who is Stephen Crane?
there are this many animals on the Bonaducci family farm in Encinitas.
What is I have no idea, but I'm pretty sure they are violating several laws?
I once had this student's older sister in my class.
Who is Patrick?
This is the only land animal that cannot jump
What is the elemaphant?
This songbird of your generation blew up youtube on February 10, 2011 and has had 200 million grateful viewers to date.
Who is Rebecca Black?
When working on a novel this author writes 2,000 words a day seven days a week for roughly three months.
Who is Stephen King?
this country owns the moon.
What is the United States of America? And if you don't like it you get out.
If you told me that today is your birthday you are likely to get one of these two responses...
What are, "congratulations," and "good for you?"
This man once won third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look alike contest
Who is Charlie Chaplin?
Everytime this singer opens his yap he further convinces me that stupidity has no limitations.
Who is Toby Keith?
This novel begins, "As I stepped out of the movie theater into the bright sunlight I had only two things on my mind..."
What is The Outsiders?
this is the problem with hippies.
What is everything?
This comic, originally issued in black and white, is probably the most prolific and monumental contribution one man has ever given to humanity.
What is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
This man could write with one and draw with the other at the same time.
Who is Leonardo Davinci?