What happens if
What should I do if
How do I
What happens if you are late to class
You recieve a Tardy. After 3 tardies you will receive a 30 minute detention
What is the group SAFE? Can I join?
Students Acting For the Environment is available for all students to participate. This group recycles paper/newspapers from the building once a week. They also host activities for National Recycling Day and Earth Day.
what should I do if someone is bullying me?
Talk to one of your Teachers, Counselors, or Principals. We are all here to help you!
Join a club or activity
Talk to the person in charge of that club/activity!
What is different about the dress code?
Very little is different, you still need to wear school appropriate clothing, but you do get to wear hats in the hallways if you choose
What happens if I forget to write down my assignments, who can I ask?
You can ask your teacher, another student in your class, you can check on powerschool, and you can also check on your teachers website, many teachers keep an up to date website with upcoming assignments.
What is the art club?
The Art Club is open to all high school students. The group hosts and sponsors art related activities. Some activities will include: Homecoming buttons, fall musical set design and elementary art night. If you are interested in joining, please contact: Mary Pat Hanson-Karstens
what should I do if I want to be on the honor roll?
I must earn a 3.0 Grade Point average to be on the honor roll
Get extra work time at school?
You can always ask a teacher if there is a time when you can work with them, but we also have a Wednesday After school Homework Club that meets every Wednesday from 1:30-3:30. Transportation is usually available .
How often do you have advisory at the high school?
Everyday; Many times you can use the time for studying or getting extra help on homework.
What happens if I fail a required class
If you fail a required class you must take it again next year, so try not to fail any required classes. Failing any class will cause you to be ineligible for any activity for the next 30 Days.
How can you be a part of student council?
In order to be part of student council a student must apply and be elected by his/her peers. There are 6 members from every grade level. Student council is responsible for planning homecoming, blood drives, Halloween activities, bunny hopping at Easter, etc. It is a great way to become involved in the school!
what should I do if I want to change my classes?
Talk to Mr. Elsbernd or Mr. Hovey the first four days of school (preferably Mr. Elsbernd)
How do I Check my Grades or see what assignments I missed on a sick day?
You can check your grades on powerschool as well as look up homework assignments. Many teachers also have a website with assignments listed on them
How long are passing periods?
5 minutes which should be enough time to get anywhere you need to go!
I get caught cheating
A first offense will usually result in a zero on the assignment, a second offense will result in failing a class
What if there is a club that doesn't exist that I want to create?
Talk to one of your principals to see if it is a possibility.
What do I do if I am failing a class?
Talking to the teacher to see if there are things you can make up is a good first step!
How do I know where my classes are?
Your schedule will have room numbers for every class. Typically room numbers in the 200's are upstairs, numbers in the 100's are downstairs. You can also just ask someone if you get lost
When does school start and end on a normal day?
School Starts at 8:25, and ends at 3:20 (1:20 on early dismissal days). If you come after 8:25, or need to leave before 3:20 you must check in/check out in the office
I miss a lot of school?
Most likely you will not do well in class if you are missing a lot of school. Not only will you be behind on homework which is included in your final grade, you will be missing out on valuable classroom information.
What is speech?
Speech is a competitive extra-curricular activity that takes place in two seasons, Large Group and Individual. Any student interested in drama, public speaking or just improving his/her communication skills in a fun environment is welcome to join.
What if I want to bring my backpack to school?
Backpacks are allowed, but they must go in your locker. They are not to be carried to class or left anywhere but your locker.
How do I get to the middle school if I have a class with Mr. Clark or Mrs. Yoder?
Most days you will walk over, if there are extreme weather conditions such as extreme cold, a bus will be provided. No one is allowed to drive back and forth
Who can you talk to if you are feeling stressed?
Mr. Elsbernd or Mr. Hovey would be great people to talk to!