States & Capitals
The capital of Wyoming.
What is Cheyenne?
The two people for which our national capital was named
What is George Washington and Christopher Columbus - Washington DC (District of Columbia)
What are two requirements for becoming a candidate for the presidency?
You must be at least 35 years old, a natural born citizen of the United States, and a resident of the United States for 14 years.
What is another name for the first ten amendments?
What are the Bill of Rights?
If a bill is passed in both the Senate and the House, the bill goes to the President of the United States. If the president signs the bill, it becomes a law. What is it called if the president rejects the bill?
What is a veto?
The capital of the state that is made up of islands.
What is Honolulu?
The three branches of our government.
What are Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, and Judicial Branch?
What are the elections called in which party members get to vote for the candidate that will represent their party in the upcoming general election?
What are primaries?
Name three of the freedoms and rights protected in the Bill of Rights?
What are Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Assembly, Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Protection for those Accused of Crimes
Name all the countries and bodies of water that border the United States.
What are Canada, Mexico, Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Pacific Ocean?
The capital of the biggest state in the Union
What is Austin, Texas?
Congress is made up of these two parts.
What are the Senate and the House of Representatives?
In November, the people vote for one candidate to become president. When a person casts a vote in the general election, they are not voting directly for an individual. Instead, they are actually casting their vote for a group of people known as ____________________. These people are supposed to vote for their state's preferred candidate.
What are electors?
How many amendments are there in our current Constitution?
What is 27?
Who are our current President and Vice President, and are they Democrat or Republican?
Who are Barack Obama and Joe Biden, and they are Democrat?
The capital of the eastern most state.
What is Augusta, Maine?
When people are unsure about the meaning of a law, they will talk to this branch of government.
What is the judicial branch?
In the Electoral College system, each state gets a certain number of electors, based on each state's total number of _____________________.
What is representatives in Congress (or population is acceptable, too)?
What words means "the right to vote in political elections?"
What is suffrage?
Who is the governor of Illinois?
Who is Pat Quinn? (Democrat)
The capital of the most populous (most people) state
What is Sacramento, California?
Why did the Founding Fathers created three branches of government?
To separate powers of the government so that no one branch could become too powerful. Each branch may check the powers of the other two branches to maintain a balance of power.
How many electoral votes does a Presidential candidate need in order to win the election?
What is 270? (one more than half of all available - which is 538)
At least legally, who was able to vote first ... a black man or a woman?
A black man gained the right to vote by Amendment 15, and a woman gained the right to vote by Amendment 19.
What is the first largest state in the US, and the second largest state in the US?
What is Alaska (1) and Texas (2)?