Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Why did Columbus sail West on his first expedition? a) to show the king and queen he could make the journey b) to find a shorter route to the Indies C) to discover the Bahama Islands
To find a shorter route to the Indies
What are the four advantages Cortes and his army had?
armor, muskets, horses and allies
What is the order of society in New Spain from least to greatest?
Indians and African, Mestizos, Creoles, Peninsulares
What happened to many of the natice peoples after many months of working and not getting enough food or sleep?
they died
Person who teaches religion to people with different beliefs. A) Encomienda, B) Missionary, C) Plantation
Which of the following was NOT a reason Columbus made more voyages to the West Indies? a) he wanted to learn the language of the Taino b) the Spanish wanted the riches of the land c) Spain wanted him to start a colony in the West Indies
He wanted to learn the Taino language
After Cortes conquered the Aztecs, who conquered the Incan Empire? a) Cortes b) Coronado c) Pizarro
Which best describes the Indians' life on an Encomienda? a) Large farms with many workers, b) often worked without pay and expected to become Christians, c) ran small businesses
worked without pay and were expected to become Christians
After many of the Native Peoples died, they were replaced by
Granted someone control of Indians on an area of land- A) Encomienda, B) Columbian Exchange, C) Colony
Which of the following defines the Columbian Exchange? a) sharing riches from one land to another in the Western Hemisphere b) changing sugarcane to sugar to sell at a huge profit c) moving people and their ways of life between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.
moving people and their ways of life between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.
What colony was founded after the defeat of the Incan Empire? a) Lima b) New Spain c) Peru
Why did Spanish landowners want to keep slaves? A) slaves made them rich, B) They could replace slaves easily C) slaves didnt eat much
slaves made them rich
The Europeans brought ________ from Spain to the Americas and it killed many of the Native Americans because their bodies could not fight them
Settlement far from the country that rules it- A) Colony, B) Plantation, C) Missionary
What did not happen as a result of the Columbian Exchange? a) Indians died from overwork and disease b) Europeans practiced Indian religion and customs, and the two groups shared the land c) Europeans enjoyed new foods such as corn and potatoes.
Europeans practiced Indian religion and customs, and shared the land
Which happened after Esteban's death in what is now New Mexico? a) Coronado continued to search b) the Spanish abandoned their search for the kingdom c) De Vaca shipwrecked off the Texas coast
Coronado continued to search
What was Las Casa's point of view on Indians in the encomienda system? a) He supported slavery, B) he wanted to increase the number of slaves, C) he wanted all slavery to end
He wanted slavery to end
What was the name of the Aztec interpreter that helped the conquistadors?
Dona Marina
Movement of people, animals, plants, disease and ways of life between the Eastern and Western hemispheres. A) Missionary, B) Colony, C) Columbian Exchange
Columbian Exchange
How did Columbus's voyages impact America? a) Columbus showed Europeans the way to America b) Indians returned to Asia with Columbus c) Indians showed the Europeans how to breed stronger horses
Columbus showed Europeans the way to America
Which happened first in Spain's search for gold? a) Coronado explored the Southwest b) De Vaca traveled the American Southwest c) Esteban was killed by the Zuni people
De Vaca traveled the American Southwest
Christopher Columbus claimed the first land he saw for the King and Queen of?
Another name for a Spanish Conqueror? A) colony, B) Conquistador, C) Plantation
What are the names of the three ships Columbus brought over on his voyages?
Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria