Social Perception
Case Studies
This treatment emphasizes recovery of unconscious conflicts, motives, defenses through techniques such as free association and transference.
What is Psychoanalysis?
This disorder is marked by chronic, high level of anxiety that is not tied to any specific threat.
What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
This term is referred to how we perceive others based on our observations.
What is social perception?
This famous patient was referred to Josef Breuer by her doctor who could not find a physical cause for her symptoms, which included a cough, paralysis, and disturbances in vision, hearing, and speech.
What is Anna O?
A model that views abnormal behavior as a disease.
What is the medical model?
The possible side effects of this therapy include short term memory loss, confusion, impaired attention, and other cognitive deficits.
What is ElectroConvulsive Therapy (ECT)?
Distinguish the difference between obsession versus compulsion. How do they relate to OCD?
Obesessions are THOUGHTS and compulsions are ACTIONS. People troubled with OCD struggle with obesession(s) AND compulsion(s).
These are fancy words for internal (e.g. intelligence) vs. external (e.g. being in a hurry) causes of behavior.
What are dispositional and situational causes of behavior?
Freud's model in which he explains hysterical symptoms as the outcome of childhood sexual abuse
What is the seduction hypothesis?
Beliefs are to Delusions, as Sensory Perceptions are to:
What are hallucinations?
This therapy corrects maladaptive thoughts while modifying behavior (e.g. changing thoughts like "spiders are scary" so that the patient will no longer be frightened by spiders).
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
These are three criteria for abnormality.
What are deviance, maladaptive behavior, and personal distress?
This theory describes the tendency attribute other people’s behavior to internal processes instead of external factors.
What is fundamental attribution error?
A term was first used by ancient Greek physicians who were describing severe bodily symptoms that do not end in death, and came to describe physical dysfunction in the absence of an organic cause.
What is hysteria?
This is a criticism or implication of PTSD being categorized as a disorder.
What is "Are these disorders a result of normal people responsing to abnormal situations?" and/or "Who gets to classify the norm for ideal mental health?"
A therapeutic climate where a therapist shows complete, nonjudgmental acceptance of the client as a person.
What is Unconditional Positive Regard?
This hypothesis attributes disruptions in the normal maturation process of the brain as a possible cause of schizophrenia.
What is the neurodevelopmental hypothesis of schizophrenia
This describes the tendency to attribute our own behavior to external factors, whereas someone observing us might attribute it to internal factors.
What is actor-observer effect?
According to Freud and Breuer's first model of hysteria/neurosis, this cure involves reliving the traumatic experience, which was believed to lead to the resolution of the trauma.
What is abreaction?
These are the 3 models of hysteria.
What are: the trauma hypothesis, the seduction hypothesis, and the infantile sexuality hypothesis
Systematic desensitization, in which clients are exposed to fear stimulus in order to eliminate the fear, assumes these two bodily states or emotions cannot exist at the same time.
What are fear and relaxation?
In Freud's time, this disorder was called "hysteria".
What is Conversion Disorder?
An example of this would be: you credit your good grades to your intelligence and hard work (internal attribution), but blame bad grades on an unfair test (external attribution).
What is self-serving bias?
The traumatic event that Melody D. experienced, which led her to having delusions and odd behavior.
What is a bad fire?
This concept, created by Martin Seligman, explains why we are more likely to develop phobias of spiders or snakes than of electrical outlets.
What is Seligman's concept of preparedness?