IV therapy
Before the administration of intravenous fluid, it is most important for the nurse to obtain which information from the health care provider’s orders? a. Intravenous catheter size b. Osmolarity of the solution c. Vein to be used for therapy d. Specific type of IV fluid
Specific type of IV fluid
A nursing administrator is concerned about the incidence of complications related to IV therapy, including bloodstream infection. Which action by the administrator would have the biggest impact on decreasing complications? a. Investigate initiating a dedicated IV team. b. Require inservice education for all RNs. c. Limit IV starts to the most experienced nurses. d. Perform quality control testing on skin preparation products.
Investigate initiating a dedicated IV team
hen an IV pump alarms because of pressure, what action does the nurse take first? a. Check for kinking of the catheter. b. Flush the catheter with a thrombolytic enzyme. c. Get a new infusion pump. d. Remove the IV catheter.
Check for kinking of the catheter
A client who has just had an IV started in the right cephalic vein tells the nurse that the wrist and the hand below the IV site feel like “pins and needles.” Which action by the nurse is best? a. Document the finding and continue to monitor the IV site. b. Check for the presence of a strong blood return. c. Discontinue the IV and restart it at another site. d. Elevate the extremity above the level of the heart.
Check for the presence of a strong blood return