Atoms & Molecules
States of Matter
When two or more atoms are combined it's called a: a) atoms b) nucleus c) molecules d) neon
What is molecules
What is the formula for density?
What is Mass/Volume
Jiyoon puts 50 ml of honey in a graduated cylinder. What is the volume of the honey?
What is 50 ml?
What are the three states of matter?
What is solid, liquid and gas.
A smaller representation of the real thing is called: a) smaller b) diffusion c) model d) Mr. Stivers
What is model (Mr. Stivers rules!)
The molecules in a solid are ____________together than molecules in a liquid.
What is closer, stuck
A ball has a density of 5 g/ml and a large balloon has a density of 2 g/ml. Which object has the greatest density?
What is a ball.
Issy has a graduated cylinder with 50 ml of water. She adds a marble and the new reading is 68 ml. What is the volume of the marble?
What is 18 ml
What happens to the molecules when liquids turn to solids?
What is they slow down.
Most liquids _______________ when heated.
What is expand
If a liquid is warmed, what happens to the speed of the molecules in that liquid?
What is they speed up
Tali has oil, corn syrup and milk. DRAW in which order they will settle when she pours them in a glass.
What is corn syrup, milk, oil.
Isabel put her pencil case on the triple beam balance. The three beams read 5 g, 15.5 g, and 100 g. What is the mass of her pencil case?
What is 120.5 g.
What is the least dense state of matter?
What is gas
Gaia wants to see the colors of the skittles DIFFUSE faster in the water. What should she do to the water?
What is make it warmer, heat it up.
True or False. Atoms are small but humans can see them with a microscope.
What is false
How could you change the density of a slice pizza?
What is change the mass, eat some of it, pour soda on it, change the volume.
What is the full name of the unit of measurement for liquid volume?
What is milliliters.
The measurement of the amount of matter in an object is its: a) volume b) space c) temperature d) mass
What is mass
What is the mathematical formula for finding the volume of a rectangular object?
What is Length X Width X Height
The smallest particle of a chemical element which has all the properties of that element is called a __________. a) molecule b) atom c) proton d) electron
What is atom
Cameron has a 50 ml of water in beaker #1 and 25 ml of water in beaker #2. Is the density of water the same in each beaker? a) yes b) no
What is YES! They are both water, they have the same density.
There are 1000 ml in 1 Liter. Eli has 3.75 Liters of soda for the halloween party. How many ml does he have?
What is 3750 ml
Matter is anything that has ___________ and takes up __________.
What is mass and space.
Name one of the scientists responsible for developing the theory of the atom!
What is Rutherford, Bohr, Dalton, Thomson