Sizes and Shapes
Shiny Things
The rock did not have any bumps or ridges on it and felt very __________. a. smooth b. rough c. bumpy
What is a. smooth
Ice cream tastes so delicious. Ice cream is ________. a. gross b. scrumptious c. spicy
What is b. scrumptious.
When I go to the beach I feel so calm, relaxed and peaceful. I feel ________ at the beach. a. worried b. angry c. tranquil
What is c. tranquil.
The woman's engagement ring shines and sparkles brightly. Her ring is so __________. a. zestful b. dazzling c. dull
What is b. dazzling.
The woman put her freshly baked apple pie outside to cool. When she came back it was gone! The pie had _________. a. appeared b. vanished c. cried
b. vanished
A ball has a round shape. A ball is ________. a. spherical b. square c. immense
What is a. spherical.
Pepperoni is full of flavor. Pepperoni is ________. a. zestful b. dazzling c. square
What is a. zestful
Meredith gave Adrian her last brownie. Meredith is being __________. a. selfish b. mean c. generous
What is c. generous.
It is such a nice, sunny day today. The sun is shining brightly and sending out a lot of __________.
What is a. darkness b. rain c. light
The book the teacher read to the class was about an elephant who danced like a ballerina. This book was ________ or a pretend story.
What is a. yummy b. dazzling c. fictional
A cinder block is too heavy to lift. A cinder block is _______. a. light b. shiny c. hefty
What is c. hefty.
Jane burned the gravy she made for the turkey. The gravy was not __________. a. edible b. spherical c. solid
What is a. edible
Allison was so happy to spend time with her family and eat Thanksgiving dinner. Allison felt so thankful and ___________ on Thanksgiving. a. appreciative b. sad c. angry
What is a. appreciative.
The stars are twinkling in the sky. The stars look very ______ tonight. a. irridescent b. delicious c. solid
What is a. irridescent
The water flowed from the waterfall into the river below. It was clear and felt cool and wet to the touch. The water was _________ a. liquid b. solid c. zestful
What is a. liquid
The table is firm and hard. The table is ________. a. solid b. soft c. delicious
What is a. solid.
Apple pie tastes so good. Apple pie is ________. a. zestful b. scrumptious c. dazzling
What is b. scrumptious.
Jennifer was feeling so _________ and angry when Emily pushed her down on the playground.
What is a. excited b. elated c. livid
The gold necklace was shining in the sunlight. The necklace is so __________. a. glittery b. dull c. zestful
What is a. glittery.
The girl looked at the bug with a magnifying glass and _________ it by looking at it very carefully. a. examined b. threw c. smelled
What is a. examined
Allison looked up at the sky and saw that it was enormous and too big to measure. The sky looked __________. a. small b. immense c. spherical
What is b. immense
Buffalo wings are full of flavor. Buffalo wing are very _______. a. tranquil b. solid c. zestful
What is c. zestful.
When Meredith found out her family was going to Disney World this summer she was so excited and full of energy. She felt so _____________. a. sad b. furious c. exuberant
c. exuberant
The sun was glittering and shining off of the top of the rocks. The rocks looked _________ in the sunlight. a. dull b. delicious c. iridescent
What is c. iridescent
The boy rode his bike very fast without wearing his helmet. This was a very __________ or unsafe thing to do.
What is a. safe b. generous c. dangerous