Ohio River Valley
French and Indian War
After the French and Indian War
Boston Massacre
The pattern formed between the 13 colonies, Great Britain and Africa was known as the...
What is Triangular Trade
The 3 groups fighting over the Ohio River Valley were the _________________________, _________________________, _________________________
French, British, Native Americans
The French and Indian War was a fight for this piece of land...
The Ohio River Valley
What two problems did Britain face after the French and Indian War?
War Debt and Native American Conflict
How did the colonists treat the British Soldiers in Boston leading up to the Boston Massacre?
Namecalling, violence, throwing rocks at them
If two countries are fighting over one piece of land, that land can be described as
What is disputed territory
What are some benefits of living in the Ohio River Valley? Name at least 2
fur trading, river transportation, cheap land, good land to farm on
Who won the French and Indian War?
The British
This British Ruling of 1765 created a tax on paper products such as diplomas and newspapers. The colonists had no say in this new law and felt it was a violation of their rights!
The Stamp Act
If you refuse to do something as a form of protest you are participating in a(n)
What is a boycott
Before the French and Indian War, what country was in control of Canada?
What is France
At the end of the French and Indian War, what territory did England receive in the Treaty of Paris?
What is Canada and the Ohio River Valley
the nickname that many Colonists gave to the British Soldiers
What is lobsterbacks
One relationship the French colonists had of the Native Americans was...
communication, marriage, trade partners
During this French and Indian War Event, the British lost half of their men because they could not keep up with the French and Indian style of fighting…
Braddock's Defeat
This British ruling forced colonists living in the Ohio River Valley to move back to the original 13 colonies. It also gave Native Americans rights to land.
What is Proclamation of 1763
This system used to make countries more powerful made the colonists VERY angry because Britain strictly controlled their trade
What is mercantilism
The Albany Plan of Union had the goal of………
uniting the colonies under one leader!
This British ruling was issued AFTER the Stamp Act, and it added a tax onto British Imported Goods such as tea, lead, and china
What is Townshend Act