Quantitative Research
Qualitative Research
Descriptive Statistics
What is information that helps a researcher describe responses to each question in a database as well determine overall trends and the distribution of the data?
Experimental design
What is the design that is a group in an experiment that receives the treatment that the researcher would like to test?
Grounded Theory Design
What is a systematic, qualitative procedure used to generate a theory that explains, at a broad conceptual level, a process, an action, or an interaction about a substantive topic?
Square root of variance
What is standard deviation
Examples of professional associations that offer helpful guidelines for ethical practices.
What are theAmerican Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, the American Anthropological Association, and the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation?
Inferential Statistics
What is the type of statistics that enables a researcher to draw conclusions, inferences, or generalizations from a sample to a population of participants?
Correlational Research Design
What is a quantitative design in which investigators use a correlation statistical technique to describe and measure the degree of association between two or more variables or sets of scores?
Ethnographic designs
What is a qualitative research procedure for describing, analyzing,and interpreting a culture-sharing group's shared patterns of behavior,beliefs, and language that develop over time?
Total sum (Raw score-M)squared/N-1
What is Variance
Six steps used by researchers when they conduct a study.
What is identifying a research problem, reviewing the literature, specifying a purpose and research questions or hypotheses, collecting data, analyzing and interpreting the data, and reporting and evaluating research?
Narrative Research Design
What is a qualitative procedure in which researchers describe the lives of individuals, collect and tell stores about these individuals' lives, and write narratives about their experiences?
Z Score
What is raw score-mean/SD
Program evaluation
What is a systematic process of collecting and analyzing information about the efficiency, the effectiveness, and the impact of programs and services?