Immigration of the 20th Century
Turning Points of the 20th Century
Planes, Trains & Automobiles
Changes in Politics
Famous People
Prior to 1900, this employed 60%of Americans.
What is agriculture?
The United States produced & used an abundance of coal, steel and iron which prompted this revolution
What is the Industrial Revolution
This did not exist until 1907 which limited the distance one could travel
What is a filling station
This organization became corrupt after granting political favors and taking bribes.
What is the political machine
A reporter from Denmark, he revealed the poor living conditions of the immigrants in New York City
What is Jacob Riis
These fueled the 2nd wave of immigration in America.
What is industrial growth & opportunities.
The worst workplace disaster occurred in March 25, 1911
What is Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
At the turn of the 20th century, people living in cities most often travelled in these throughout the city center.
What is a horse-drawn trolley
This group sought to restore the American dream for America's people & was comprised mostly of the middle-class
What is the progressives (or reformers)
The best known state reformer was the governor of Wisconsin
Who is Robert M. "Fighting Bob" La Follette
This was over 92 million.
What is the American population in 1910.
The population of the north increased by nearly 500,000 between 1916 and 1920
What is the Great Migration
To ease crowded conditions on the streets, some cities like Boston & New York City, built these
What is the underground railroads or "subways"
This group was named after a character in the novel, Pilgrim's Progress and became the most powerful group to effect change in the early 20th century
What are the muckrakers
As governor of New Jersey, he restructured the public utility companies to be more efficient as well as introduced worker's compensation.
Who is Woodrow Wilson
They shared a common language & culture
What is an ethnic neighborhood
The immigrant population decreased slightly because this event made it difficult to travel
What is the Great War (World War I)
Families traveled to these to learn about art, literature, and history. It was named after a lake where the first one was held.
What is a Chautauqua
This granted voters the right to directly elect senators from their state to represent them in Congress
What is the 17th Amendment
They were defeated in the November 1912 presidential election.
Who are Presidents William Taft and Theodore Roosevelt
These often lacked heat or water and were overcrowded.
What is a tenement
This invention made owning a car easier which in turn, profoundly affected the growth of American business.
What is the assembly line
An interest in this prompted the creation of the National Park System in 1916.
What is camping
On August 26, 1920, this granted women the right to vote. Only four states allowed it before then.
What is the 19th Amendment.
They established a trans-Atlantic shipping line in 1839 then went on to own the Mauretania & the Lusitania, a luxury ship line.
Who are the Cunard Brothers