Author's Purpose
Summarize It!
Making Inferences
People who wanted to travel from the east to settle in the west in the mid 1800s traveled on the Orgeon Trail in wagon trains. The trail started in Iowa and Missouri and stretched about 2,000 miles to Oregon. Not everyone who started the journey made it to Oregon. Many died from illness, accidents, and bad weather. What is the author's purpose? How do you know?
What is to inform readers.
In 1803, the U.S. bought the Lousiana Territory from France. The Lousiana Territory stretched from the Mississippi River all the way to the Rocky Mountains. This purchase more than doubled the size of the U.S. Over the next ninety years, 13 new states would be carved from this land. How would you summarize this paragraph?
What is the U.S. wanted to buy the Lousiana Territory from France in 1803. Over the next ninety years the purchase gave the U.S. 13 new states.
Mom made sandwiches and put them into the basket, along with some fruit and chips. Dad grabbed the big checkered blanket and Robby got the Frisbee. Then the whole family piled into the car and headed out. Where was the family going? What makes you think so?
What is the park? (Answers may vary)
Jenna was lying outside in the sun. She knew she should put some sun block on, but the sun felt so good on her back that she didn't want to move. She told herself that she'd get the sun block in five minutes. Within three minutes, Jenna had fallen asleep. What will happen next? What makes you think so?
What is Jenna will get a sun burn. (Answers may vary)
What does it mean if you are asked to identify the 'solution' in a story?
What is how the problem was fixed/solved?
"As it is now time for my son, the prince, to marry, we shall hold a great contest to find the strongest and bravest princess in all the kingdom," announced the king. Prince Harold sighed. He didn't care who won the contest. He didn't want to get married. He wanted to train unicorns. What is the author's purpose?
What is to entertain readers?
Giant river otters live in South America. Families of giant river otters live in dens that they dig into the banks or rivers and lakes. Mother river otters give birth to their babies in their dens. Baby river otters are called cubs. Cubs are born blind and helpless. They do not leave the den until they are about two months old. What is this paragraph mostly about? Use your summarizing skills.
What is Giant river otters live in dens that they dig themselves. Mothers have their babies there and they don't leave until they're about two months old. (Answers may vary)
Edward was running as fast as he could. He could hear Jacob's footsteps close behind him. He tried to run faster, but it was no use. Within seconds, Jacob was by his side, and then ahead of him. A moment later both boys collapsed under the old oak tree in front the school. What were Edward and Jacob doing? Why do you think so?
What is racing? (Answers may vary)
Ben filled the tub with warm water. He got the special shampoo and put it on the side of the tub. Then he got a towel. Ben left the bathroom and went to the backyard. "Here Rascal," he called. "I have a surprise for you!" What's Rascal's surprise? How do you know?
What is a bath? (Answers may vary)
Double Fudge Brownie Ice Cream is everyone's facorite ice cream. Fact or Opinion, tell why
What is opinion? Not everyone likes double fudge brownie ice cream
Marsupials are a type of mammal. Female marsupials have a pocket that they use for carrying and protecting their babies. Most marsupials, such as kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, and koalas live in Australia. The only marsupial native to North America is the opossum. What is the author's purpose?
What is to inform the readers
The tallest tree in the world is a giant redwood located in Humboldt Redwoods State Park in Northern California. The tree is 380 feet tall. That's more than twice as tall as the Statue of Liberty! People who have discovered it have kept it a secret so it will not get damaged. Use your skills to summarize this paragraph.
What is there is a tree in Northern California that is the tallest in the world. Many people do not know about it so that the tree does not get damaged. (Answers may vary)
Jake and Tim sat quietly next to each other, each thinking his own thoughts. Suddenly, the pole Jake was holding loosely in his hands jerked so hard, he nearly dropped it. "You got one!" exclaimed Tim excitedly. "Reel him in slowly." What did Jake have? How do you know?
What is fishing. (Answers may vary)
Mom was making a sour face as she handed the baby to Dad and said, "Your turn. I did it last time." Dad took the baby and headed off to the nursery. What will Dad do next? How do you know?
What is change the baby's diaper? (Answers may vary)
After traveling for more than eight months through space, Curiosity, the NASA land rover, landed on the planet Mars, on August 5, 2012. Curiosity has six wheels and seventeen cameras, as well as other research equipment. Its mission is to explore the planet and send the information it gathers back to Earth. Summarize this paragraph.
What is the NASA land rover, Curiosity, landed on Mars in 2012. Its mission was to explore and send its findings back to Earth. (Answers may vary)
Callie picked herself off the pavement and checked herself over for injuries. No blood, and nothing seemed to be broken. Good thing she was wearing her pads and helmet. She walked over to the skateboard that was laying upside down a few feet away, popped it right side-up with her foot, and rode away. Why was Callie on the pavement? How do you know?
What is she fell off her skateboard? (Answers may vary)
It was 9:05. The school bell had already rung and Mrs. Jamison had just finished taking attendance. All of the students in the class stood up and put their right hands on their chests. What will happen next? What makes you think so?
What is reciting the Pledge of Allegiance? (Answers may vary)
Put the following words in alphabetical order: resolution, resolve, reserve
What is reserve, resolution, resolve
What are the three options for why an author writes something for readers? Give an example for each.
What is to persuade, inform, or entertain? (Answers may vary)
What is the difference between a prefix and a suffix? Give an example of each
What is prefix comes before the root word and suffix comes after the root word. (Examples will vary)
What can you infer happened to the bratty, rotten kids that were carried off by the Oompa Loompas?
What is they were taught a lesson and behaved from then on.
Our class novel is How to Eat Fried Worms. Based on the title, what predictions can you make about the novel?
What is answers will vary
Which word is a plural noun? Katie, cookies, two cider; how do you know it is a plural noun?
What is cookies, it's a plural noun because it's more than one