He got in trouble for talking about the weekend because it wasn't ______ to what they were talking about.
What is Germane
She was so talkative tonight that she was on her phone for 2 hours; she's so ______.
What is Garrulous
When she was talking to him about his friend she made a really _______ comment, so he got very angry.
What is Gratuitous
The old lady walked in with a fur coat and a pearl necklace, everyone knew she was a ____.
What is Fop
When there was a fire drill in the school all of the students had to go outside and _______.
What is Garner
Nancy wanted the new Blackberry that just came out but her dad decided it was too _______ for her to have, so she had to get a more classic phone.
What is Grandiose
He bought the brand new flashy cell phone. It was very ______.
What is Garish
When Sarah messed up on her speech she started turning really red because the whole class started to ____ her.
What is Gibe
A lot of teenagers get so nervous for their driving test when most of the test is ________.
What is Gumption
Ed won the award at school and got a nice prize, so he was ______ all around.
What is Gambol
They started rumors about each other in school and didn't like each other anymore so every time they would pass in the halls they would ________ at each other.
What is Glower
"I Gotta Feeling" is a very _______ selection that is played on all of the radio stations across the nation.
What is Hackneyed
John was very _____ and got by with cheating on the test.
What is Fortuitous
The basketball team won the tournament so they all started to _____ on their win.