Literary Knowledge
More Literary Knowledge
Plot Development
More about comprehension
Inferences and conclusions
The means an author uses to develop the personality of a character (appearance, speech, thoughts, actions, thoughts/feelings of others)
What is Characterization
These are the reasons an author writes a story a. point of view, purpose, and mood and tone b. to teach us, to inform us, and to entertain us c. mood and tone, imagery, and purpose d. to inform, to persuade, to entertain
What is d. to inform, to persuade, to entertain
This is The term for the important events that happen in the beginning, middle, and end of a story.
What is plot
Where would you find the best information for a report about Chinese architecture? a. your teacher b. a dictionary c. a person who lived in China with his family for three years d. a television show about Chinese buildings and architecture
What is d. a television show about Chinese buildings and architecture
True!—nervous—very, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am; but why will you say that I am mad? The disease had sharpened my senses—not destroyed—not dulled them. Above all was the sense of hearing acute. I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many things in hell. How, then, am I mad? Hearken! And observe how healthily—how calmly I can tell you the whole story. What inference can you make about the narrator? a. The narrator is unabashedly happy. c. The narrator is a minister. b. The narrator is quite mad. d. The narrator has a strong sense of smell.
b. The narrator is quite mad.
The engine coughed. The wind sighs. Fortune smiled on her. The photograph leered from the wall. These are examples of: a. similes b. metaphors c. personification d. symbolism
What is c. personification
This an example of which point of view: "Carla needed to write a story. She wanted to choose her character from a favorite childhood tale. She thought for a bit. "I know," she said to herself. "I'll use the one who changed the pumpkin into a coach. That will make a great character for my story, too." a. 1st person b. 3rd person limited c. 3rd person omniscient d. 2nd person
What is b. 3rd person limited
The order that things happen in a story.
What is sequence
These are the three types of genres: a. non-fiction, fantasy, poetry b. science fiction, non-fiction, other c. non-fiction, fiction, other d. fiction, auto-biography's and biography's, non-fiction
What is c. non-fiction, fiction, other
A. Peter was 13 when he sailed to America. B. Peter lived in New York City. C. Peter probably liked school. D. Peter became a carpenter. What statement is not conclusive?
What is C. Peter probably liked school.
"Get the lead out of your feet" is an example of this: a. personification b. imagery c. idiom d. metaphor
What is an idiom
This is the best term to identify the short story "When the Earth Shakes" by patricia Lauber from your literature book. a. fiction b. non-fiction c. science fiction d. historical fiction
What is b. non-fiction
The main idea of the following passage is this: "Peregrine falcons are rare birds. However, they are spread over a wide area. They can be found on six continents. In North America, they live mainly in Alaska, Canada, and the western United States. Some species migrate to South America for the winter. Wherever they live, peregrines prefer a cliff or a rocky ledge. There, they can build a safe nest. These home sites also provide a good hunting ground. a. why peregrine falcons are endangered b. where peregrine falcons migrate to c. how peregrine falcons hunt d. the habitat of peregrine falcons
What is d. the habitat of peregrine falcons
The myth about Echo and Narcissus is mainly about: a. gods b. nymphs c. echoes and the narcissus flower d. love
What is c. echoes and the narcissus flower
Mary wrote, “Everyone should drink milk instead of coffee. My grandfather drank milk at every meal. He lived to be 89. People could live longer by drinking milk.” What is faulty with Mary’s reasoning? a. Not enough evidence to decide what is good for everyone. c. Both 1 and 2. b. Other factors may have been a reason for his long life. d. There is nothing wrong with Mary’s reasoning.
What is c. Both 1 and 2
"Big trees fell like toothpicks when Paul Bunyan swung his axe" is an example of: a. alliteration b. simile c. metaphor d. imagery
What is simile
Which of these is an example of imagery in this passage? a. ". . . .sharks. . .can be divided into two different groups." b. ". . . .shark cartilage is thick, hardened, and heavy. . " c. Sharks are as common today as they ever were . . " d. "Sharks are well-equipped to get their food."
What is b. ". . . .shark cartilage is thick, hardened, and heavy. . "
Read the following paragraph to help you complete the question. "Maria! Maria!" Darlene yelled. "I've got great news." "Anthony proposed to you!" Maria replied. "How did you know?" Darlene asked. "Let's just say I heard it through the grapevine." This is what "through the grapevine" means: a. an angry conversation b. informal spreading of rumors, gossip, or information. c. in an official memo
What is b. informal spreading of rumors, gossip, or information.
Fables are brief stories that were originally told to a. explain animal behavior b. entertain royalty c. relate religious beliefs d. teach practical lessons about life
What is d. teach practical lessons about life
Mrs. Smith, who has taught junior high school math for the past 30 years, received a certificate of appreciation honoring her for her years of service. Which sentence is the most objective, fair, clear, and accurate? a. She is the best teacher in junior high school. b. Math is a difficult subject to teach. c. She should be appreciated for her long career. d. She was recognized for her achievement
What is d. She was recognized for her achievement
What is the best answer for the following connotation? Which is worth more? a. something old b. something antique
What is something antique
This describes the best organizational pattern for the following paragraph: Both the rays and the sharks differ from the true bony fishes because they have no bones. Their skeletons are made of cartilage, a material that is softer and usually more flexible than bone. You can feel cartilage at the tip of your nose or on the top of your ears. But some shark cartilage is thick, hardened, and heavy enough to support the shark's body as firmly as bone. a. sequence b. persuasive c. cause and effect d. compare and contrast
What is d. compare and contrast
Read the following paragraph to help you complete the question. Chaz could no longer put off his writing assignment. Tomorrow the teacher expected him to turn in a paper on the infamous Trail of Tears, and he hadn't done any research! It was getting late, so Chaz logged onto the Internet. After doing a search, he found what he was looking for. Five minutes later, he had a two-page report. He was sure his teacher would be impressed. How did Chaz finish his assignment so quickly? a. He was a fast typist. b. He had a way with words. c. He used the internet for research d. He cheated by copying a paper from the internet.
What is d. He cheated by copying a paper from the internet.
All of the following could be considered elements of a mythical quest except: a. a dangerous journey b. a search for great treasure c. an easy task d. a battle with monsters
What is c. an easy task
The most important advance of this century has not been in medicine or technology. It’s been in society’s willingness to open practically all professions to women. Women can excel in careers now that were not even available to them 50 years ago. Which of the following people would be most likely to agree with this paragraph’s opinion? a. grandparents b. women astronauts c. children d. teenagers
What is b. women astronauts