Which of the following statements about SUMMARIZING is false? A. The Summary is what the passage is mostly about. B. The Summary is what all of the sentences are about C. The Summary is usually found in all the sentences D. The Summary is one isolated thought in a passage.
D. The Summary is one isolated thought in a passage.
Maggie was getting ready to walk to school. She put on her coat and grabbed her backpack. As she was leaving, her mother said, “I love you. Be careful.” You can infer that... a. Maggie is in kindergarten or first grade. b. Maggie lives close to school. c. Maggie is never late for school. d. Maggie is excited about going to school.
b. Maggie lives close to school.
Which sentence is in the first-person point of view? a. Ben walked his dog. b. I have a new puppy. c. Sandi likes to read books. d. The kitten was lost.
b. I have a new puppy.
Sue loves to eat apples, but lost her two front teeth. Problem or Solution?
Full of color
Which of the following statements about SUMMARIZING is true? A. It is a thought that is true but is not in the passage. B. The Summary is what the passage is mostly about. C. The Summary is specific and detailed information D. The Summary is always found in the first sentence
B. The Summary is what the passage is mostly about.
Hudson hurried out of the house so he wasn't late for work. He wore overalls and carried a toolbox with wrenches in it. He hopped in his truck and drove off. The sign on his truck said, “Pipe Masters You can infer that... a. Hudson is an auto mechanic. b. Hudson enjoys his job. c. Hudson works as a plumber. d. Hudson is a truck salesman.
c. Hudson works as a plumber.
Choose the sentence that is third-person point of view. a. I wish I had a million dollars! b. The swimming pool is really cold! c. If I had a car, I would give you a ride. d. We will go get an ice cream cone tonight.
b. The swimming pool is really cold!
Sue's mom said she would cut her apple in small pieces so she could still eat it. Problem or Solution?
Not comfortable
When some people think about Texas, they think of cowboys on the open range-herding cattle up a dusty trail. However, Texas has much more than open prairie with large herds of cows. There are the mountains of West Texas, the piney hills of east Texas, and the emerald waters off the coast of Padre Island. Texas also has large coastal harbors with numerous sailboats, powerboats, inland lakes, rivers, swamps of southeast Texas with alligators and other exotic wildlife. The Summary of this passage is: A. There are a lot of cows in Texas. B. There are many different, varied parts of Texas. C. Texas is one of the biggest states in the United States. D. There are alligators in the swampland of southeast Texas.
B. There are many different, varied parts of Texas.
Nicole came out of the elevator in her apartment building. She ran to the curb and held up her arm to hail a taxi. When she hopped in, she said, “Please take me to 345 45th Street.” You can infer that... a. Nicole's car is broken. b. Nicole is going on vacation. c. Nicole is going shopping. d. Nicole lives in a large city.
d. Nicole lives in a large city.
Can you find the sentence that is in the third-person point of view? a. My mother told me I could go to the movies. b. My father and I played catch. c. The baseball team won their game last night. d. I got up very early this morning.
c. The baseball team won their game last night.
Austin and his dad went to the bike shop with the flat tire and had it repaired. Problem or Solution?
In a clouded way
Tomorrow is Jill's birthday. She is excited because she gets to pick where she will eat dinner. Will it be Mexican food at the Big Enchilada House? Or will it be fried chicken at the Chicken Shack, or a big cheeseburger at Al's Hamburger Palace. She just couldn't decide. Then there was always the Pizza Shop with that great pepperoni pizza. How would she ever decide? Maybe she would just flip a coin. The Summary of this passage is: A. Jill has many restaurants to choose from for her birthday. B. Jill loves Mexican food. C. The Pizza Shop has the best pizza in town. D. Jill will choose a place by flipping a coin.
A. Jill has many restaurants to choose from for her birthday.
Everett held his father's hand as he crossed the busy parking lot. They walked into a grocery store. Everett's dad lifted him into the seat of the shopping cart. “Here,” said dad, “You can hold my shopping list.” You can infer that... a. Everett had never been to a grocery store. b. Everett's dad does not shop often. c. Everett's dad needs help with the shopping. d. Everett is very young
d. Everett is very young
Which sentence is in the first-person point of view? a. The wolf talked to Little Red Riding Hood. b. The wolf went to Grandma's house. c. The hunter helped Little Red Riding Hood. d. Do you think that I could borrow a pencil?
d. Do you think that I could borrow a pencil?
Wangari Maathai is an African woman who wanted to help her people. She knew that the land of her country, Kenya, needed more care. She also knew that many Africans did not have enough food. She had an idea. She got women to start planting trees. Since 1976 the Green Belt movement has helped 80,000 women plant and care for more than 20 million trees! The environment has improved, and people now eat the bananas, mangoes, and papayas that grow on the trees. What is the problem in this story?
Many Africans did not have enough food.
Without shoes
It started when they got to the bears. Peter felt tired and his stomach hurt. He dragged himself over to see the elephants, which were eating from a stack of hay. Normally, the elephants were his favorite. Without much interest, Peter followed his classmates to the camels, which were busy swatting flies with their tails. Peter knew he should be having fun at the zoo, but he just felt terrible and all he wanted to do was lie down and rest. Even the lions and tigers did not interest him now. Summarize this passage: A. Peter's favorite animals were the elephants. B. The camels were swatting flies with their tails. C. It was really hot at the zoo. D. Peter didn't enjoy the zoo because he felt really bad.
D. Peter didn't enjoy the zoo because he felt really bad.
Avery watched as her new next-door neighbors moved in. She observed a tall man carrying a bicycle and a kayak into the garage. She also saw a young woman carrying a surfboard through the front door. Avery can infer that... a. her new neighbors are elderly. b. her new neighbors have several children. c. her new neighbors like to spend time outdoors. d. her new neighbors are kind and generous.
c. her new neighbors like to spend time outdoors.
Can you find the third-person point of view sentence? a. Where can I buy that book? b. Molly and I have the same birthday. c. Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall. d. I wish I had that book.
c. Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall.
Wangari Maathai is an African woman who wanted to help her people. She knew that the land of her country, Kenya, needed more care. She also knew that many Africans did not have enough food. She had an idea. She got women to start planting trees. Since 1976 the Green Belt movement has helped 80,000 women plant and care for more than 20 million trees! The environment has improved, and people now eat the bananas, mangoes, and papayas that grow on the trees. How is the problem solved?
She got women to start planting trees which produced food
In the middle of summer