Nutrition during lactation
Nutrition During Pregnancy
Infant Nutrition
Your health
Prosthetics Resource
True or False. Mom’s diet does not affect the protein, carbohydrate, fat, or other major mineral composition of breast milk
True. Does affect fatty acid profile
Name 3 sources of folic acid in your diet?
- Orange - Orange Juice - Dried Beans - Fortified Breakfast cereal - Pasta - Rice
What is the first food generally recommended for infants at 4-6 months?
Baby cereal- such as iron-fortified cereal mixed with water or breast milk. Rice cereal is a common first food because it is easily digested and hypoallergenic.
How much weight is healthy to gain during pregnancy?
25 to 35 pounds average 28 to 40 pounds underweight 15 to 25 pounds overweight
What prosthetic supplies does the VA provide for lactation?
Breast pumps: Electric (portable Medela Pump in Style) Manual breast pump Hospital grade pump if needed Nursing bras Nursing pads
True or False. Breast milk or formula is better than cow’s milk for infants until the age of 1.
True. meets the infants needs without overloading the immature kidneys with nitrogen
True or False. A common form of anemia during pregnancy is iron deficiency anemia
Name 3 food that present a choking hazard for infants/children
Popcorn, peanuts, raisins/whole grapes, gum, gummy textured candy, hot dog pieces, and hard raw fruits/vegetables such as apples / green beans.
Name 3 natural ways to boost milk production when breastfeeding
Drink plenty of water Stress reduction techniques Get as much sleep as you can Breastfeed often Consume a diet to reduce inflammation in your body Hot Shower
What is the benefit of a maternity support belt?
take some of the weight off pelvis wraps around the lower spine supporting the back to give a more correct posture
How many breast feedings are expected throughout the day for a newborn infant
10 to 12 feedings per day
What food sources provide your body with iron
a. Red Meat b. Leafy Green Vegetables c. Beans d. Turkey e. Chicken
Name 2 reasons why infants should not consume fish.
Mercury Level potential allergic reaction potential bones within fish
Name 2 out of the 4 top nutrients your body needs while pregnant and continues to need post pregnancy
Folic Acid, Calcium, Protein, Iron
How do you request prosthetics supplies
PC Provider, Women Veterans Program Manager
What one supplement does a breastfeeding infant need?
200 IU of Vitamin D supplement.
What is the average amount of fluid you should drink per day while pregnant in cups?
b. 8 cups
True or False. When bottle feeding, should the nipple of the bottle be filled with formula
True or False. Should postpartum blues or “Baby Blues” continue beyond 2 weeks after pregnancy
Where is the prosthetics boutique located?
within The Women’s health Clinic WPB VAMC 1A 262
How many extra calories per day do you burn when breastfeeding?
500 calories per day in the first 6 months, and 400 calories afterwards
Name 3 fish you should avoid while pregnant related to the high mercury level?
Shark swordfish, tilefish albacore tuna walleye bass.
How do you know your baby is getting enough nutrition through breastfeeding or bottle-feeding?
If your baby skips 2 or more feedings or is not peeing or pooping call the pedestrian Your Health- 4
True or False. After you have a baby some hair loss is normal.
What is the benefit of support stockings?
can help to prevent varicose veins/spider veins brought on by pregnancy. can also help with other ailments that come about with the increased strain on an expectant mother’s circulation system.