Vocabulary Also
Karen wanted to make the situation less hurtful, so she tried to ______________ the discussion.
What is mitigate?
Which alignment should the title of your paper be formatted to--left, center, or right?
What is center?
What are the 2 types of compare/contrast outline formats discussed in class?
What is subject by subject and point by point?
What is the current number one song on I Tunes?
What is "Happy" from Pharrell
The referee _______________ disagreements between players so that an unbiased party is in charge of the situation.
What is mediate?
Under the ______________ of school policy, Walter was not permitted to leave school with anyone but those listed on his information card.
What is aegis?
The title of your paper should be formatted in which of the following ways? Bold Italicized The same as the rest of the paper Inside quotation marks
What is the same as the rest of the paper?
Which compare/contrast organizational method follows the pattern of talking all about one thing and then talking all about the other thing using the same criteria/categories.
What is subject by subject?
Name the following sidekicks for these Disney movies: Mulan, The Little Mermaid, Hercules, Cinderalla
Who is Mushu, Flounder, Phil, Gus-Gus and other mice
Amanda of talked in a __________________ tone to the homeless man on the corner. She felt he was inferior to him.
What is patronizing?
The guy outside the stadium _________________ the fans to buy knock off t-shirt for a fraction of the cost.
What is importuned?
Which of the following is correct? a. Vivadelli states that policy is "always correct" (143). b. Vivadelli states that policy is "always correct (143)" c. Vivadelli states that policy is "always correct." (143) d. Vivadelli states that policy is "always correct" (p. 143)
What is A?
Who wrote the compare/contrast essay we read regarding rivers?
Who is Mark Twain?
Answer the pun: Why did the scarecrow get a promotion?
What is because he was outstanding in his field?
The boy ___________________ the poor animal from the trap as its leg was clamped and stuck.
What is extricated?
Sheila tried to make _________________ for something she did wrong.
What is amends?
What is the medium of a book?
What is print?
In the essay "Guns and Cameras" what 3 points of comparison does the author make between the 2 subjects?
What is tools, stalking prey, and trophies?
Name any 4 of the celebrities in the now famous Oscar "selfie" picture.
Who is Ellen Degeneres, Brad Pitt, Anjelina Jolie, Lupita Nyong'o, her brother, Bradley Cooper, Liza Minelli, Jared Leto, Jennifer Lawrence, Julia Roberts, Meryl Streep, Channing Tatum, Kevin Spacey.
Mrs. Fertsch and Mrs. Lario had to move their room because _________________ had to be done due to a floor that was not sturdy enough.
What is renovations?
The Board of Education had a __________________ feel as the student went up to address an issue. The student felt that the BOE was wanted things to go well.
What is conciliatory?
According to your notes, which website is quite helpful when looking for guidance for MLA formatting?
What is Purdue Owl website?
Name 3 interesting points of comparison you could make between a musician and an athlete.
What is answers will vary, however, musicians are always more awesome. Some suggestions-- skill level involved springboard to careers college affiliations famous role models
Who are the 4 Hogwarts founders?
Who is Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin
Lying out in the sun with no sunblock on and no hat is ___________________ to getting sunburn.
What is conducive?