Testing Irregularities
Active Monitoring
Answer Document
Handling of Test Materials
3rd and 4th grade math TAKS and TAKS-M.
What is Tuesday, April 27th?
Allowing a student to open the reading test on Tuesday, April 27th.
What is wrong test administered?
Walking around the classroom glancing BRIEFLY at students to ensure they are testing appropriately.
What is correct active monitoring?
The score code bubble a teacher marks when a student turns in their TAKS answer document.
What is the "S" code?
A teacher walks to each student's desk to gather their test booklet before leaving for lunch.
What is proper pick up of test booklets?
Wednesday, April 28th
What is 3rd and 4th grade reading?
Giving a student a TAKS-Modified booklet when they should be taking TAKS-Accommodated.
What is wrong testing form administered?
A teacher is sitting momentarily with his/her back to two of the 21 students in the class.
What is a NON-example of active monitoring?
The name of both tests that could be coded on the TAKS answer document.
What are TAKS and TAKS-Accommodated?
A teacher locks materials in their cabinet while at lunch.
What is the correct way to secure materials?
Thursday, April 28th
What is 5th grade science and 2nd day of 3rd and 4th grade dyslexia bundle?
Viewing a test before, during, or after an assessment without authorization, scoring student tests, discussing secure test content or student responses OR copying secure materials without authorization.
What is potential referral to Educator Certification and Standards?
A hall monitor ensures that no students are talking in a testing hallway.
What is active monitoring?
The number that the 4th and 5th grade STUDENTS must write on their answer document.
What is the nine-digit test booklet code?
A teacher passes each test booklet and answer document out to each child.
What is the correct way to distribute materials to students?
May 19th-26th
What are the reporting dates for 4th grade writing, 3rd and 4th grade reading and math, and 5th grade science?
Any action that directly or indirectly assists students with Responses such as clarifying or translating writing prompt or test items (except for LAT administrations), gesturing, pointing, or demonstrating correct responses, changing student responses or providing answers to test questions.
What are incidents that must be reported to TEA immediately?
A teacher sits at the front of the room with view of all students for a 15 minute stretch of time.
What is a NON-example of active monitoring?
Additional codes that must be bubbled when students receive allowable and approved accommodations on the TAKS, TAKS-Accommodated and TAKS-Modified.
What are accommodation codes?
A teacher does not allow a student or untrained personnel to handle or transport materials.
What is appropriate handling of test materials?
The reporting date for the 5th grade reading and math TAKS.
What is April 27th?
A test adminisrator failed to read directly from the bold script in the administrator's manual.
What is a procedural error?
All test administrators monitor student conversation, ensuring that no discussion of the test is occurring.
What is active monitoring?
The two digit number on the test booklet that the teacher must code on the answer document (for TAKS only).
What is the form number?
A teacher takes up a book from a child and waits for them to return to give it to them.
What is the correct way to handle a student restroom break?