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Define the word "generations"
What is a group of people born and living during the same time perios
Use "worn" in a sentence.
What is must have use "I have worn, or she has worn"
What does the word "motives" mean?
What is why a character does what they do.
Which of these is NOT a meaning for "by the skin of your teeth?" a) barely b) almost didn't c) with a smile
What is C- with a smile.
She "put the day behind her" what does that really mean?
What is she finished the day.
What change did Beto make from the beginning of the story to the end?
What is at the beginning he was self-involved, and at the end he realized that everyone is different, and has their role in the family.
Use "wander" in a sentence.
What is anything having to do with roaming around.
You tried and tried, but nothing seemed to fit right. What is a correct inference you can make based on this statement? You were looking for the right puzzle peice or You were looking for a peice of paper.
What is the right puzzle peice.
What is an antonym for oblivious?
What is knowledgeable
HER THOUGHTS RACED THROUGH HER HEAD is an example of a) hyperbole b) metaphor c) personification d) simile
What is personification - it's giving human quality of racing to thoughts which can not run a race.
Uncle Beto "didn't waste words"? What does this really mean?
What is he often stood silent, but when he spoke, he had something important to say.
Name a strategy for reading comprehension that can be done after you read?
What is answer questions, make inferences, check for understanding, identify main ideas, summarize
Name a reading comprehension strategy that can be done before you read?
What is activating prior knowledge, preview text, make predictions, set purpose for reading.
Name a reading comprehension strategy that can be done during reading.
What is making inferences, checking for understanding, visualizing, using fix-up strategies (re-read, read ahead, slow down, context clues)
What was the main idea of that story? a) Christina hopes to become a dentist; b) Christina's dentist fills a cavity for her; c) Novocain doesn't always last long enough.
What is B. the whole story is about the filling of a cavity.
The author compares Eduardo's family reunion to an anthill by saying, "this place is an anthill." Which type of figurative language (simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personificaiton, idiom) is this?
What is metaphor
What were the challenges the animals faced while trying to solve their problem?
What is they were tired and complained. The animals would not share the yellow or green land.
vegetarian means "meatless." What does the word "tireless" mean?
What is inability to tire out.
Why did Darcy want to "see the light at the end of the tunnel?"
What is she wanted the hope that she would pass the class
Why did the author of this story choose to use some may examples of figurative language, rather than the literal words?
What is stir the reader's thoughts and bring out the emotion and perceptive that can't be uttered by the world's dictionary meaning alone
Why do you think the author made the main character Eduardo an 11 year old boy?
What is this story is written on a 5th grade level, and most readers are about 11 years old. They may relate to Eduardo. Also, to show that even though you may be 11, you are important to your family.
This story was set in Africa. What would have been the biggest difference in the setting if it had been in center of North America?
What is they would have come to mountains, rivers, and fields of wheat and corn rather than forests and deserts.
Why wouldn't Challenger switch over to an all vegetarian menu?
What is some people like to eat meat.
Darcy's brother helped Darcy solve her problem of not understanding algebra. How else could Darcy have solved her problem?
What is 1) change her attitude about math. 2) ask for help from the teacher 3) spend time every night studying, rather than putting things off until the last minute.
Which emotion doesn't go with "having hands as cold as ice?" fear, joy, anxiety
What is joy